I couldn’t sleep.


And the gym doesn’t open until 8.30 on Saturday and I have a 9 am appointment with my sister.

Hi everyone .. I have missed you , I come in and sneak a peak at whats been going on and I promise myself I will get back here to write and I just don’t get the chance.. I also like the quick hit of Facebook.. although it has its downfalls.

There has been so much ..

Maxi was choosen , along with 11 others( 6 boys 6 girls)  from his year 10 at High school to participate in Project K .. its a youth empowerment program and once chosen the children are committed for 14 months.   http://www.fyd.org.nz/   look on the programmes page  year 10 for more info.

The first 3 weeks they are on a Wilderness adventure, Maxi left last Friday so has been gone a week.. they were 6 days at Blue Mountain Adventure Centre (BMAC)  learning to be a team , a leader , how to shit in the woods, put up a tent , pack their gear etc… and on Thursday they Hiked/ Tramped up Mt Ruapehu  (2,797 m (9,177 ft)  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Ruapehu   then started the journey home.. they will Kayak , Tramp and Bike. They will be home on April 28th.

They then do a 2 week community project .. here in Hamilton .. wether they make soup for homeless , or build a vege garden for the poor , we don’t know what they will do till they get back ..

After that they will be partnered with a mentor who they will see for 12 months once every two weeks. The mentor will call and make a time , they will take the kids out to kick a ball , have a coffee / hot chocolate , maybe bike ride or go to the movies.. and they will talk and do whatever mentors do..

So for the last few weeks we have been busy getting Maxi up to scratch with the gear needed, polyprop clothing and equipment, we also had to raise $500 to go towards the $6000 cost.  We have been truly blessed and I can not wait to see Maxi back with all his new experiences. Its an opportunity of a life time and will make such a huge difference to him , I am hoping that he will get a lot out of it.

Secondly .. My mother will be 80 next wednesday and I have been organising her party.. to be held on my birthday next weekend, she is having 60 guests.. finger food lunch , beer , wine and drinks , and a dj that will play through the night .. so I can party too .. aswell as my mothers birthday wednesday it is my older sisters .. and so we plan to party with all our friends after the oldies have left .. but mum wants to stay for as long as she can .. lol

Starting her day of celebrations she will go up in a Hot Air Balloon ( weather permitting) its something she has always wanted to do for her 80th. My nephews wifes uncle owns a Balloon business here so that was an easy sort and a cheap mates rate too..

But seeing as I work from home and seem to have endless time to run about and make phone calls .. all of this has really been left to me and now that it is  all done bar the shouting , my sisters have taken time off work to help me .. except that I made everything fall into place on the Saturday morning , there will be nothing to do mid week.

Oh well , they can… clean up Sunday .. heehee

TOH and I have been doing ok ..

its hard .. I have to share my home again .. and my bed all the time .. and although thats awesome .. I do not sleep well as now I snore !!!!, and am elbowed all night , or wake up to an empty bed .. and that makes me sad. I guess he sleeps on the couch .. or in his daughters bed when she is not here, I have tried the snore strips and they work till about 3 am , but.. they make me gag in the morning with that slimy coating in my throat so i’d really rather not..  oh well .. also the sharing of chores is a bit hard to come together on ..

I work from home all day with 4 pre schoolers , I pick up after they have gone , vaccum , sweep and mop most days..

during my day I have : done the washing , hung and somedays folded, made the beds, wiped the bathroom, put out the rubbish, emptied the bins, cooked dinner, done the dishes, run errands, done the shopping, weeded the garden, watched the dogs , cleaned up after the dogs, feed the dogs, put out the recycling(beer bottles, cans etc) read the paper , done my book work, sorted stuff for us to do tomorrow,

He comes home and gives the dogs their dinner if I have not already , shaves , showers, sits on the couch with a beer, changes the channel and may fold the washing if there is some there.

Before bed I will say "I am off to bed" .. and he may say "yeah me too" .. and get up and go .. where as I set the dishwasher , check the windows and doors , wipe the bench, turn off the computer, lock the door , turn off the lights and then get there at which time he is already in bed and almost asleep.

Needless to say it Pis#es me off slightly, The one day I tried to talk to him about it he took it all the wrong way and it turned nasty .. I never started out on the right words .. I was angry.. wrong start. .. and he turned around and said " you expect me to do housework everyday after I get home from work?? , why should I clean up after your care kids everyday?"    so of course I thought yeah he’s right .. and have not tried to talk to him again .. but there is so much more to it than that .. I clean up after my care kids , I do the lions share..

I feel I have gone from the frying pan into the fire..

bottom line .. the sex is great on tap .. the rest .. ahhh i’d rather not have to deal with.




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April 16, 2010

actually when both people work they do help out in the evenings- I think he needs a serious revaluation of his values toward his partners workload xx

April 16, 2010

I agree with Nectar….just because he works doesn’t absolve him from housework. You work too…and caring for kids is challenging. I’m sure you 2 can work it out/compromise (sex sounds great too!).