Holidays, Mechanics and borrowed cars


School Holidays , I have my 2 boys home , plus this week we have TOH 2 boys aswell .. plus I have 4 care kids , and an old care kid back for 3 days this week.

Busy house just the way I like it.. we have been making jigsaw puzzles , the kids painting their own and I have been glossing them. They are awesome , I bought wooden puzzles (plain) and gave the kids paint and an idea .

The car went in to get a warrant and failed .. so its off to the mechanic to get fixed and is taking 2 days .. sheesh , I have borrowed a parents car , she has an 8 seater so we can get about with all these extra bodies. It was a Mazda MPV

I have borrowed a different car today , only 7 seater , but way flash .. I like it. Nissan Presage.. Parking camera , reversing camera,

Both cars similar , but slightly different. and both Automatics .. the one thing that I would not choose if I was buying .. I like manuals, I feel more in control ..

The Mirena seems to be sorted .. I have had a Normal period , 6 days .. thats normal for me .. was less loss, so roll on next month and lets see.

Taking kids to the movies Friday .. Toy Story 3.. yay!!!


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July 5, 2010

I bought an automatic with the same sentiments as you- and would not ever go back to manual now. these are a dream to drive and I mean that with 100% sincerity

July 5, 2010

what a houseful ! It amazes me how you cope with all the noise…particularly boys noise. Will pray the rain soon ceases….. Meantime….good luck getting the WOF. I wish all vehicles had those reversing cameras….seems there are far too many little ones getting backed over lately. Awful! hugs P

July 7, 2010

Glad the mirena is working…6 days still seems a lot, though. What a houseful all right…

July 10, 2010

busy busy busy Hope your health is doing better these days!!!

🙂 ~ Love you! panzer