Happy Birthday Allycat

My baby girl is 22 today .. Born 3pm ….9lb1oz.

My niece is 17 today .. at the birth 5 mins late

My neighbours daughter is 12 today .. helped her to the car on the way to hospital

My friends daughter is 9 today.. attended the birth and supported the hubby.( great honour)

Allycats friends sister is due today.. but with a boy so he will not be born on this day ..lol

It’s nice to share a birthday , but this seems a little crazy. ..

On Allycats first day of school my sister rang and said she was about to give birth.. poor Allycat still remembers that first day and getting picked up by the next door neighbour.

On her 10th birthday the neighbour at our new house had her baby and the celebrations were over shadowed once again by another birth ..

The 13th birthday .. a teen,  and I spent all day and night with my friend KK .. another special day upset..

But we have made all these babies part of each birthday celebration, and we never forget them ..lol

Tonight we are off to dinner at a burger joint in town .. our family dinner , although Allycat has invited a few extras.


This last weekend was a busy one .. Friday i had a call from the language institute that organises exchange students from Japan for the school Maxi goes too , he is the last of my kids to go through that school and every year we have had one or two lots of japanese students.

We had a notice at the end of last term , and i filed it , i thought ohhh we will pass this term , let someone else have a go , we have had one lot this year already.. .But they have noticed that i did not return the form and rang me .. actually they were desperate for more "wonderful host families like ours".. sheesh .. so I have agreed to have 2 students this time.. a logistical nightmare as really we only have room for one.. at a pinch. .. Rubber walls.

It means Maxi and S will be bunking in my room for a week. Normally in Dinos room but with Timy Em staying over a few nights a week thats not able to happen , and with Allycat starting work at 4 am  4 days a week the boys wont like that either. so my room it is..

As i had already resigned to the fact that we were not having students this term i had not kept up the mission of keeping the boys room spotless.. they have not done a bad job themselves , but it is a little shocking. So I have a job ahead of me .. and very little time. The Boys arrive Thursday. for a week.

Saturday one of my little boys had his birthday party , he was 5 on friday. .. I attended with Maxi and S .. sweet Mary .. there were 25 kids .. thats a huge amount to organise into pass the parcel and pin the rugby balls on the try line.. lol .. thank goodness I was a bystander and not the organiser.  I stood back and held the babies .. that was more my line of things.

Saturday night was a birthday party at another friends house .. Sparky has just moved in there .. so it was nice to see him and party too .. bitterly cold .. but all indoors with a huge roaring fire place .. and a few bourbon and colas .. warmed up rather nice.

Came home at 3 sat online for a bit then went to bed.. slept well for 4 hours then woke and napped for a bit .. thinking constantly about what needed to be done and how i was going to get it done.. I was hosting a lingere party at 1pm.    http://www.Intimo.com.au if you want to have a squiz. ..Just a general tidy up .. swish and swipe the bathroom, kitchen and put some toys away..

then there was my room that needed an overhaul.. when the care kids play with stuff they shouldn’t or they break something or I need to deal with something after they have gone , it all gets piled onto my dresser.. spilling onto the floor , sheesh .. ladies would be using my room to change and try on bras and things so i needed to have the dresser clean and wipe the mirror so they could see.. lol.

It all got done with Allycat and Tiny Ems help .. they went shopping for the wine and cheese , juice and crackers etc .. The lingere party was such a success, I love the range and know most pieces off by heart .. in fact i wear most of them ..lol anyway I sold over $800 worth and had 2 party bookings made so i managed to get as hostess gifts 3 items for half price , plus $100 to spend on anything else i wanted. Way cool. 2 new bras and matching panties with one matching camisole and a pair of panties for Allycat. I also paid for her order as a birthday gift. She will get them Friday.

No one else but me and one very close friend drank the wine and we neded up having a bottle each over the course of the whole day .. she stayed till into the evening..

I had a call from another friend to pop over with a bottle and visit with them , her hubby has just had back surgery and I have been making them dinners and lending support. So Allycat on her way to the supermarket with Ex Frank dropped me off there and I spent the rest of Sunday evening laughing and joking with another group of friends.. it was lovely .. TOH was there and dropped me home and we shared fish and chips together… Monday morning was grainy.. but with one child in care we managed to get so much done.. played , watched videos , drew and coloured in , even went visiting and ran some errands. 

.. Sparky has been staying the last few nights .. he is having trouble with his Sciatic nerve.. he had Viral meningitis last November and during the initial Dr and hospital visits he has a total of 14 spinal taps( Lumbar punches) this has caused some damage and he is looking at huge recovery time.. might end up with him moving back home .. unemployed for a bit so that he can rest and heal.. totally different entry.

Well it’s time I went and got some stuff done for the day ..

Take care all





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August 11, 2008

“Happy Birthday Alleycat” ….and others! Yes – August is surely a great month for significant people’s birthdays…LOL hugs P