

I have decluttered the garage something wicked, so many things I have added to freecycle and given away. So many things I have re boxed and stashed

I am shocking.

I went through the kids bookcase.. now I mena the care kids not my kids.. and i tried really hard to half the books. Nope can;t do it . so i gave some away and the others I boxed for my grandkids maybe in a few years I will be able to pass them on..

I have a big apple box in the garage that has my childrens memories in , Kindy paintings , first school books , certificates, and notes they wrote to me and Ian .. or birthday cards etc. I went through it and ohhhed and ahhhed and put it all back again.

I did put things on freecycle ..

headboard from single bed , rotiserie for the BBQ(never used) some adult books.. cat basket , toaster, the old treadmil and excercise machine,  and I have answered a few ads for wanted stuff ,

a bucket of sand .. some wooden blocks… paper for drawing ..

I am now the moderator for our local Freecycle.. its been wicked.

I love to give stuff away and to get stuff for free..

at the mo I am looking for carpet , underlay and pink batts .. we are making a room in the garage as an office and a bedroom for the boys when they visit fortnightly. The answers have not been flying in the door ..

Anyway .. TOH and I are blissfully happy.. lots of laughs and lots of plans being made .. its all very cool.

Another full on week  coming up .. Sparky has his courtcase this week.. the lawyers appointment was awesome .. and I have a positive feeling about htis , but I have to admit to my employer about sparkys conviction and I am embarrassed about that .. but as everyone says , I am not to be held accountable for his actions .. his silly moments lack of control will impact on his life for forever..

Think of us


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August 9, 2009

This freecycling sounds productive, goos on you for becoming the moderator.

August 12, 2009

whats the link for the freecycle in nz? Is its hamilton based as well??

August 12, 2009

Feels awesome to sort through the clutter. I hope all goes well with Sparky. Oh and re the wallet, that’s totally fine. Banks are jerks!

August 12, 2009

nothing like a good cleansing…and freecycle is great. hugs P

August 13, 2009

free cycle is good

August 16, 2009

I can see you being so happy in this entry. I feel happy for you too! Hugs!

September 27, 2009

we even have freecycle here. i just wrote about