First week new employer


I have just done my first week with the new company.

It feels … just the same . lol ..

They are way friendlier.. which is what I expected,

The care kids have had days off to be with family, its been a little like a holiday for me as they have been on school holidays and with no kindergarten runs etc we have flown by the seat of our pants every day.

Its been awesome.

I have also had the bigger school kids in for care on the odd day and they have taken over the running of the ship so to speak , knowing what to expect in the holidays they set up games and areas that they enjoyed and all I had to do was play along . It takes the pressure off.

TOH and I have had a wonderful few weeks and I feel so different than I did when I whined in here ..

Sparky has been over and given the gardens a make over .. he has desicrated most of the garden, replanting and uprooting and moviong trees, and plants, chopping back vines and trimming bushes.. ripping out part of the broken trellis fence that needs replacing and weeding and sorting out the back play area..

OMG .. it has made me feel so less embarrassed about the state of the place and less stressed.. and depressed.

I have a new outlook and maybe that has helped with TOH and I also. I now see light at the end of the tunnel and ma happy to spend time in the garden knowing that I will cope with TOH managing the inside, there is less for me to have to deal with out there.. and what is there is tidy.

It was all a matter of time and management. It got out of control and I didn’t have the time to deal with it, while i worked all day Sparky and Maxi stripped the garden .. when I went to help them after work , TOH did the indoor duties..

Hmmm yep all is good with the world



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October 10, 2010

good to hear everything is running perfectly

October 11, 2010

sounds wonderful

October 12, 2010

Great to hear. ryn: Those are good questions.

October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010

Lol, yes, I’ll tell him 🙂

October 15, 2010

its good to know all is going well….change can be a great thing. hugs P