Falling apart one tooth at a time


Recent tooth flossing ended in a filling falling out .. matching the other tooth that lost a filling due to a toffee sweet.

After debating with friends about dental costs I was led to a teaching dentist in town that charges $35 a procedure for up to 2 a year when you use your community service card.

First visit and consult with xrays $35.

finding 3 lost filling and one cavity and the broken tooth that I had so been used to but to fix will be $800.. second appointment made

30 min appointment.. to replace one of the fillings .. Dr is having quiet day , there are no students this week to do the work so he whips in there and does all 3 fillings on the top right hand side .. and slaps a temp cover on broken tooth to hold it .. we discuss the bigger lost filling on the bottom.. make third appointment for that. Thank you $35

Feeling pretty high about this .. wicked .. I am onto a winner

3 days later I get pain .. mild throbbing .. hmmm pop panadol ..

week later … mind blowing tooth ache , severe throbbing 3 Nurofen plus and 2 panadol give me 15 mins pain relief ..

Appointment brought forward by 2 weeks , emergency fit in Friday 11am , text all parents , I am not able to have kids Friday Morning , getting tooth filled / dealt to.

Friday Morning , pain gone ..dull ache .. hmmm different dentist .. Ohhh looks like you need a root canal .. $1300 sorry .. manage pain over weekend with Nurofen or I can remove it $35 on your Com Serv Card NOW ..

choices ..

I came home with a numb tongue , drooping lip and a little baggy with my tooth in it..

The Tooth Fairy never came ..



Saturday I missed a call from a lady from IRD .. ( Inland revenue department) .. it was a call about my arrears. a mess up of family assistance and a lack (on my behave) of returned returns and I had a massive debt that I am paying off .. $100 a week..

I called her back today and she informs me that I now have a $1200 bill from last year that is not on my scheme to pay off so can I please pay that in full .. ??

Umm NO.. she asked me if I was saving money for next years tax bill .. ??

Ummm NO .. the $100 I give you a week is my savings .. So she said .. well lets take a look at your incommings  and outgoings and make a deal ..

Ummm YES please ..

Thank you lovely IRD Lady.

I look forward to her letter in the mail.




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June 19, 2011

What a hopeless woman! As if you’re saving up for next year’s tax when they’re already gouging you $100 a week. They must think all you do is sit around on big piles of gold. Poor teeth. I hope they start behaving properly!

June 20, 2011

Sounds like a pretty good deal with that dentist. (wouldn’t TOH have made a good tooth fairy maybe…??)

June 21, 2011

the very least your tooth fairy could have done was to leave you enough to cover one denist visit!!!! Never mind…you are definitely on a winner there anyway. hugs P