Extra long weekend for me

It all started on Wednesday night ..

I booked in for a couple of days off and then as it was Labour weekend here we had the Monday off aswell.

Wednesday I went to Slipknot and Machine Head.. wow what a mind blowing concert that was .. Machine Head was awesome . I had tickets to their show last year but it was cancelled , so catching them was a bonus.

Slipknot just blew me away , probably not in the musical sense so much , but their stage presence.

Hydrolic drum risers ,  and beer keg drum kits .. man I could play those , just pound them with a sledge hammer.

Awesome lighting too .. it was all over quite early and so we were home about 1.30am.

Thursday .. no kids .. no work .. no stress.

TOH had gone home, I got stuck into the housework .. couches out , curtains up, windows inside and out , frames, skirting boards , major vaccum.. packed toys away and made a general tidy up of the hot spots .. all intertwined with coffee breaks , web surfing and music from all eras.

I got stuck on a new cd.. a compelation album.. and some Tony Joe White.. .. after seeing total hard metal the night before a break and some swamp rock was just what I needed. I danced and sang and got on with the cleaning .. some days with all the kids here it just seems impossible to get anything but the basics done.. I had a wicked time .. i love the achievemment of a clean house.

I grabbed a pizza and a few bourbons and I went to a friends and watched re runs of my fav show.. we sat there talking about nothing and everything , eating drinking laughing.

I now understand more about why he is the way he is .. his beliefs and the way he was brought up .. I don’t think I have ever spoken to a guy about any of that stuff before , not to the extent that I did with B and I so loved it .. It has always been about sex and scoring , saying what you had to to get what you wanted .. and I went along .. but there was none of that .. just two mates .. no hidden agenda .. 42 years old and I get it.  What a lot of time I have wasted .. with a lot of losers. ( admittedly I did have this online with one other man, MMM , I spose the distance made that work)

Friday .. still no work .. no kids and a clean house .. OMG.

I waltzed about and fluffed around and did bits and pieces , washing , emails etc ..lol and then had a shower and went off to the Save Mart store and bought a few pairs of denim shorts and a top , plus S some new shoes.

I called into see a friend , had coffee, mucked about … no stress , no drama.. Wicked. Oh I love this

TOH and a friend called in about 7ish.. stayed for coffee ..then it was off to bed for an early night as I had the drive to Napier in the Morn.

I had not packed but all my clothes were washed and dried. I threw them into a suitcase , read my notes , gathered all the remaining things .. Packed the car , got Maxi and S sorted , dropped them at the sitters for the weekend,  stopped at the shops..got supplies.. gas and we’re away .. 

The Party was at a motorcycle clubs , club rooms .. it was their 40th anniversary. We called in there first before checking into the hotel. what a wicked place .. 100 year old villa.. hallways wider than my bathroom, ran from the front door to the back .. ceilings so high , spiders would get scared.. and all the walls painted in army camoflague..lol polished wooden floors, wine barrel coffee tables , and a pool table in the lounge.  Not to mention the fully funtional bar at the other end .. complete with commercial chiller room. 

Sorted out the band .. helped a little , but felt in the way as I have not set up with them properly.. left and booked into hotel.. clean and cramped quarters of an old hotel.. with stairs that would break your neck if you fell. One way traffic around the bed, that took up 90% of the room. ahhh thank goodness we only have to sleep here. 

Party kicked off at 6.30 .. dinner from 7..band at 8.30..  every meat know to mankind and mashed potatoes with a pitiful coleslaw to make it look good..lol Roast beef , pork , lamb, chicken .. buttered bread.. awesome. 

The band played 2 sets , all their own stuff plus a few covers .. but metaled up .. Dr Who theme song .. went off.. Venus .. another wicked rendition .. and although I asked for it they didn’t know any Tony Joe White. ( well they probably did , just the wrong crowd)

Talked to all sorts of people,  took loads of photos , but was ever conscience of those that maybe didn’t want pics taken.. learnt so much about motor cycle clubs and the bikes .. mostly Harleys .. VBG  🙂 heard about some scary accidents too.

I danced and danced .. and drank and drank .. lol .. went to the loo and came back and found a spunky little surfer dude sitting in my seat.. hmmmm .. odd to see in the sea of metalers and leather patched party goers..

I thought he was about 30 .. maybe late 20’s.. he smiled and I melted .. lol .. how cute.

I let him have my seat ..  TOH leaning on the table talked to surfer dude .. they agreed on the music and the party .. blah blah idle chit chat .. hands extended names exchanged .. Both have the same name .. laughter ..something about parents naming kids ..missed the rest .. OMG KC .. this guys older than us .. by 2 years ..ohhh interest peeked.. not out of my league ..lol .. way too many drinks .. better keep self in check..

( exchanged email addresses for photos of the party to be sent)

looked at TOH .. eyes starting to droop.. said .. I’m done!!   Taxi called .. keys found .. in bed by 3.. done.

Sunday and Monday to come..





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October 29, 2008

Sounds like a fantastic time. I so get the no kids, tidy house thing – luxury.

October 29, 2008


October 29, 2008

you certainly live life to the edge don’t you? Glad you are so happy. hugs P

RYN: “wow that looks so cool .. I like pregnant bellies.. just want to touch them ” You and me both….I LOVE pregnant bellies (& other pregnant body parts)