Emptying nest syndrome, workshop and more

Dino moved out today … his room had hardly cooled down before Allycat Moved in..

Infact Dino took a load to the new place , came back for some more stuff and to vacuum and clean up his mess walked in and Allycats bed was already in there made and everything..

Thank goodness i was not home .. I don’t think that I could cope .. I have for one reason or another … not been available when the kids have moved out, Sparky did it sneaky while i was away .. Allycat did it when I was at a concert for a  weekend and now Dino did it while i was chaperoning a girls sleep over party with TOH.. it doesn’t hurt as much to come home and see it already done , then to just pop over to the new place and say Hi and have a cup of coffee..

Sheesh quiet tho.

I had a workshop on Thursday night through work , it was a second attempt at the same one of a few months ago that was a waste of time and knocked my confidence.. they shaped up the course gave the facilitator a rev up , wrote her script and the next one she did went so well I was encouraged to attend this one.. as were others that don’t like to go to these things..

I had heard nothing but good things.. shame then that the woman picked on me all night .. not a thing i said or did was right in her eyes and we came to blows.. I walked out in tears and was closely followed by my superior.. she was shocked and gobsmacked that it had gone the way it did .. she herself can not cope with conflict so sat and watched in bewilderment hoping it would all go away ..lol .. but after all the others left apparently she gave this woman her pedigree, told her that she has picked on the wrong educator , that she had me pegged all wrong , that I was THE best educator on the books .. ( I know I am ONE of the better ones .. not THE best) They all came and rang and appologised for her etc , It all seems so sureal .. one minute I am retelling a learning story, next i am being accused of resistance in the way I praise and acknowledge and the language I use .. don’t get me wrong I understand the use of rich language develops a childs mind ..

but when they hardly understand well done .. good job , way to go .. I am proud of you .. I think that .. " you showed great determination and effort in choosing that block to match the rest and you were not discouraged when you got it wrong the first time" is a little over the top!!!

The kids moved on ..,

Anywho .. I have had to write a letter of ummm dissatisfaction with the workshop.. I wanted to get out the thesaurus and write it in language that she deemed we should use , but i decided against that .. I just don’t have the time and it seemed petty..lol plus.. it would probably be lost on her..

No offence to the university trained people out there , but come on.. can a kid play and have fun without all the over analysing, I know they learn.. hell you fall off the couch that you are not suppose to be jumping on and hurt yourself .. you don;t do it again .. you mix yellow and blue paint together and get green .. suddenly you have grass on every painting and trees have leaves .. same with red and yellow, WOW Orange. its all learning and I acknowlegde it..

Enough ..

I went to Disturbed last tuesday night .. wicked sound .. still they didn;t play 10,000 fists .. makes one think maybe they can not do it live .. hmm

babysat one of my kids all weekend .. goes home tomorrow afternoon .. he has been a real treasure.

Went to yet another Lingerie party .. am a little addicted now .. have 3 matching sets , bra knickers and cami..

Just had a text from TOH .. we have tickets to Slipknot and machine head .. wicked .. now can he work a little magic and get tickets to kylie…doubt it!!!  not just for me you understand ..lol

a year has passed since last contact with MMM..I miss him so much and hope that he is well..  I really loved / love him. But it seems it was not to be. .. after 7 years ..its a little hard to let go. ..

just over a week to go and I am a year smoke free.. my Dr’s locum was wrapped for me and as i did the little Yay me dance in his office last week he smiled and said well done .. shame i still have to add you as an EX smoker .. and I said thats wicked by me.. I am happy with that.

had xrays of my foot taken and then off to podiatry for a consult .. after 6 weeks pain and suffering she seems to have fixed the prob..

I had my foot run over by a green wheelie bin full of empty beer bottles at the Shihad concert 24th july .. my foots never been right since.. I thought ok you fractured a bone .. but no .. I have metatarsalalgia.. or similar.. pinched nerve..lol I have a pad in my shoe that supports the ball of my foot and no pain .. plenty pain in bare feet .. after a time .. but with shoes .. none . Its been wonderful. I may have to go back in a few weeks and get an orthotic made if I still need to have something more permanent but this seems to have given some relief.


Well bed time again ..

take care all .. hugs to those that need them .. kisses to those that deserve them.



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September 14, 2008

It’s so hard when they move out. I still feel sad when LE stays for a few weeks and then goes again. She and boyfriend put an offer on a house in Hamilton today. They really are moving here next year! Ryn: That sounds great about the cake decorating. And yes, brother can fend for himself. He’s made huge amounts of money in his time (he’s in IT), just not good at holding on to it. Good news about your foot.

September 14, 2008

Oh, and the workshop, sounds harrowing. Take care.

September 14, 2008

Great on being smoke free, at least those ‘in your hand’ kind. With the new knickers I bet there is another kind of smoke on your island!!! hahahaha waiting patiently for pics here(naughty dan, naughty)Bet your workshop mate would approve of my self disapproval!!! you sound like so much fun so all I can add is Be well….dan

September 14, 2008

Just thought I would stop by and say hello. I saw your note to Marg and then on the OD home page as an update. Two appearances in two minutes meant I must take a look. Be well.

September 14, 2008

Ahh, rock’n’roll injuries. 🙂 My mum was distraught when I moved out too. University training, I’m finding, is a huge wank. So much useless crap they teach us. Gah. Don’t take their idiocy to heart, they dont know what they’re talking about and are just masking it with big words.

LEEME AT HER!!!!!! GRRRRR!!!! Gimmie her number…Ill set her strait and HOW! make MY friend cry, she will lucky to walk the next day. Dumb HAG! I quit my job. 🙂 Glad to hear the foot doesnt need surg sounds painful though. You will have to come hold me when the girls leave the house. I will be in the corner with a white jacket on sucking my thumb. Your doing great dear! Pamela

ps…my paw print knickers dont fit anymore…wow that string is TOO much LOL! 🙂 Love you!!!!!!! pamela aka Panzer

September 14, 2008

ENS is always hard but you will survive…and so will he. The greatest challenge of all is when the last one goes…. hugs always P

September 14, 2008

A bit of a revolving door senario with your family, sounds good to me though. Hope the injury doesn’t impact on your party lifestyle. And I’ll take 3 hugs and a dozen kisses thanks! xx

September 14, 2008

lol you wait for it your son will back again, children seem to move out move home move out move home

September 15, 2008

RYN: Welcome to my world of thought. I am political, but I also reveal a bit of myself from time to time. Be well, Kiwi.

September 16, 2008

RYN: I’ve never had an allergy shot before, but I’ve been talking about it off and on for probably years now, so that might be what you’re referring to.

September 19, 2008

Congrats on smoke free! If you really love someone…the feeling never dies. I understand how you feel.