Dinner out, old friends and phones


I caught up with a friend for dinner last night ..

Up from Welly for a business thing.

It is always lovely to see him and chat face to face. 

We knew each other as teens and have just recently re connected.

After dinner and a good bye hug (*sigh* visits are short and sweet) I popped down to a bar in town to watch other friends band in a competition.. just found out now that they won their heat and are through to the finals. wicked news.

I got home after midnight , asleep by 1 and then a text message from my neice at 4am answering a message I had sent her the day before..

At 7 when I got up I text her back and said wow .. thanks for the wake up call .. lol you could have waited , and she said .. I replied as soon as I got it .. seems the network had stored my message and sent it to her at 3.45.. so she thought I was up and replied.. lol ( Wellington text me this morning and said he also received a lost text at 4am from me. Sheesh…  and one I sent him prior to cacthing up last night he got when he was at in his office this morning in Wellington .. that text said I was outside.. hahaha )

I am a little scratchy today .. but it all seems to have worked out ok as 2 children called in sick and so I had one for the morning and picked up the second at lunchtime and they are both sacked out on the couch, end of the week .. end of the term, everyone is ready for a holiday .. shame I wont be getting one.

About a month ago I replaced S’s phone with an old one Allycat sold me .. she had 2 so I bought both and updated TOH’s one aswell , his was a model I am sure Adam used to check out what Eve was up to. ..

Anyway his old thing was always dead , the battery never kept a charge and you’d call him and get cut off .. not good for prospective employers I thought so treated him to this old one of Allycats .. WAY WAY flash .. has a camera, a memory card  and holds more than 25 messages before the in box is full.. hahaha

This morning he received a text message and then looked at me and said , do you mind with I swap this Ph with "Darling little Princess Daughter"  Edna.. ??(note the sarcasim, sorry thats a product of lack of sleep) 

Why ? I asked ..

well this one has a memory card slot and her one has a FM radio and head phones and I can’t find headphones for this one and I want to listen to the radio on it. Plus her ones memory card thing is not working

I must have rolled my eyes and said Whatever … no thats what I did do

He said .. so thats a NO then.

I said .. well it is your phone , do what you want.

.But you know what part of me just screams , ungrateful sod .. spoilt little B.I.T.C.H ,

Anyway .. I text Edna and I said , hey .. Dad asked me about swapping the phone for your old one .. you know what .. he can do what he likes but if it is for a radio , I just said no cos I had got him a walkman MP3 thing for his birthday cos thats what he said he wanted and so I was cross that you guys had sorted something out and I had wasted my money..

She went on to say that the swap was not cos of the radio it was cos of her wanting a card slot that worked ..

There is the What Edna wants Edna gets .. no matter how many times she hurts her dad or lets him down.. Grrrrr

So I also said I was a little Miffed that he seemed ungrateful swapping out a phone that i just bought him .. I know he asked but it just seemed rude still.

She said Ohhh sorry if I upset you .. we’ll just swap for a week and then swap back .. ( why .. what will that do ?? you still want a phone with a working memory slot)

I said , its ok , its his phone , my issues.

She said , ok sorry .. Love you xxx

Yeah whatever… lol

I need a nap.


Lucky I have happy memories to put a smile on my face.

Thank you Wellington.


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September 24, 2010

Dinner out and friend catch up sounds cool, but I got a bit lost on the phone swapping…thought for a moment he was swapping a phone for a daughter…not sure if thats a good swap…..hang on though….. And local rag with brothel story on front page will be mailed to you Monday. xx

September 24, 2010

it does all seem a tad extreme in thoughtlessness….but I guess once a gift is given, then the owner can do with it as they please…..gifts shouldn’t have conditions even though one likes to think the recipient is grateful. big hugs P

September 28, 2010