D Day Tomorrow ..


You may have noticed my lack of presence..

TOH moves in tomorrow.. so i have been ruthless in many areas of the house getting ready for the eminent arrival of his stuff.

I am over whelmed and under slept..

Over the last week there have been boxes arriving and outdoor equipment being dropped off by friends who dare to visit TOH in a van or Ute(Utility Vehicle) ..

My garage resembles an emergency (Tsumani) drop off centre.. boxes of towels, sheets , clothes , toys , pots , pans , food..

TOH came in Wednesday and bought his boys bunk beds , they slept the last two nights on the mattresses.. they arrived tonight via another friend..

Maxi and S set up the bunks this afternoon, and we shifted things about and hung up clothes in the closet .. but I can bet you all $100 each ( yes I am that certain) that not one item that was hung in the closet will ever be worn by any of his boys .. so it will be given away via Freecycle within the next month or so ..After consultation of course.

Tomorrow is the bulk of it .. beds, drawers lounge sweet , fridge , freezer.. etc .. no table and chairs thats already gone ..

I rang TOH after the mattresses and boxes arrived and cried .. I was so tired , so over whelmed ..

He said it will be ok .. I told him there was not enough room for a chair let alone a lounge suite..

After he calmed me on the phone and said sweet things and how we will sort it all and things will fit .. I felt energised enough to get back to the coal face in the garage and sort the boxes .. I now have 3 towers , approx 10 boxes high to the ceiling and there is breathing space .. its not at all perfect .. but wow its better .. S even got into the ceiling tonight and packed a few boxes of stuff up there .. just to ease the space ..

The trailer in the front yard is over flowing of all the things I have tossed .. junk from the section clean up and from the garage , stuff I have horded and things broken and kept so one day they can be repaired .. but they ahve never seen the light of day for the passed 6 years and are not likely to be fixed .. recycled maybe.

In the morning my good pal will arrive with his truck .. we will dump this trailer and then he will shoot to TOH’s and bring everything else with the other 4 guys and trailers and I will be here slotting it all into the garage.

  I shall return to the regular program as soon as this disruption is complete..




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December 11, 2009

wow thats a lot of organising…..he must have a lot of stuff 🙂 hopefully you get a nice peaceful sleep after its all done and dusted 🙂

December 11, 2009

I wish I was there to help! 🙁 HUGS!!!! You can do it!!!