Broken Bone.. again!!!


This time it is Maxi..

Last week

The week before last Maxi came home from school with a pressure bandage on his arm .. he had fallen over and been to the health centre at school .. with Drs and Nurses not just a sick bay.

They said he was fine .. just a sprain .. or bruising and that he could come back in a few days if it was still sore .. well a week went by and I said give me a look at that wrist .. you are holding it funny ..

No complaints from him .. it was a little sore but he was able to do everything ..

It was a little swollen and I thought thats not right .. but this was days later and the weekend we left it to see how it felt Monday ..

Hmmm Monday he comes home with an ice pack ..ok a bread bag with some ice in it .. and this time in tears and very sore ..

He had fallen again in sports , tripping over a tennis net as he ran passed it.. not over it .. passed it .. he somehow manhaged to get his foot caught ..

anyway this time it was way sore and swollen..

Off to the medical centre .. xrays and yep there is a break .. not sure if it was from this time or from last week..

or if  yesterdays fall made last weeks break worse.. Bad mother ..

He is in a back slab cast until tuesday when the swelling will have gone down enough for a full fibreglass cast.

Today off school .. was his right arm .. but miracles of miracles .. Maxi is my only left  hander.. heehee.



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May 18, 2009

lol it doesn’t just rain at your place it pours

May 18, 2009

ouch!!! Broken bones are no fun…poor kid. Glad he is left handed though.. smiles and hugs. P

May 19, 2009

hugs oh no!

May 19, 2009

Poor Maxi! I hope it stops hurting!

May 19, 2009

ouch! Hope it’s gonna heal real good for him. Hugs my friend.

May 24, 2009

Oh..poor Max!

May 24, 2009

oooooo that could be a plan, only problem would is that we wouldn’t get there til maybe 1am. Hayley doesn’t finish work til 6.30pm

May 27, 2009

Oh dear. Nia broke her wrist a few weeks back but all is well now. Hope the pain is not too bad for MAX.

May 27, 2009

ryn..havn’t heard of those themed scrabble games. Might try that sex theme for a bit of fun, but might have to phone a friend (ie you) if I’m stuck!

June 1, 2009

At your schools, do they have full doctor’s offices? How cool! We have a nurse that may or may not be licensed and they can’t even give the kids a tylenol, let alone a pressure bandage. I hope he gets better soon!