Better late than never

Sparky invited a handful of his friends and also some of our friends that he gets on well with to his party/ drinks.  TOH was not able to come through Friday night as both his boys were playing sports Saturday morning at the same time in Huntly (where TOH lives)

It was an awesome collection of friends ..we had set up the garage with seats and cushions and beanbags and when we tried the stereo realised that the cd player was not working .. Sparky tried to set up his mp3 player to go through the stereo , but I had already got the box of vinyl out.. lol  it was a collection of very mixed records and we had a great time re living youth.. then they realised where the mp3 player could be plugged in and the vinyl lost out.

Mostly we just sat around talking and drinking and laughing .. exactly what a good party is all about.

Sparky said goodnight to most of his friends about midnight .. and went to bed .. my friends were just warming up and we stayed and sat in the garage with the records till 2am.

I woke up early Saturday morning and was surprised at how clean and tidy we had left the place.. there was not much work to do at all .. I had not had too much to drink so was bright as but tired. We tidied up what there was and I did washing and sat in the sunshine and read the Saturday paper. It was bliss .. 70s ..80s vinyl playing in the background and the distinctive shush shush shush click when the record finished .. it was a good reminder as to why we changed to cd also.. with some of them not being as well looked after as others and the needle jumping through versus and in some cases sticking on one lyric, one lyric, one lyric ,one lyric ,one lyric,  bump..

TOH and I have decided to move in together sooner rather than later .. for more than the obvious reason .. money is tight in both camps .. but with him out of work at the mo it makes sense. He works on the internet and makes money from his work there , but it is not a steady income, and really just the jam when he works outside of home. .. anyone need any  SEO work done .. web site building etc?? Thats his forte but will do almost anything with a trade as a mechanic. The awesome thing with internet is he can work from here .. for clients all over the world .. and he does that all the time.

So with the eminent arrival of a second houseload of "stuff" some of my "stuff" needs gone or condensing.

I have added a few things to freecycle .. just junk that is too good to toss but not worth much for trade me or the hassle. I was surprised at the interest .. and could have given twice as much away.. must hunt out some more .

I was actually thinking of having a Freecycle garage sale .. more like a garage giveaway..

Allycat is all smiles and happy at the mo with her new boyfriend.. it is awesome .. he is a good friend of Dinos .. actually Dinos flatmate and they have known each other for years .. and had a quiet mutual attraction .. thinking no way can’t not with brothers best mate .. not with best mates sister sort of thing .. then they realised they both felt like that and went for it .. its cool .. I like him .. TOH likes him .. we have taken him on road trips to concerts with us way before we knew he liked Allycat.. AJ is a sweety. 

I have to skoot and get organised for the day .. todays a big day here in NZ .. for those under a rock .. ACDC tickets go onsale today for the concert in Jan/Feb 2010..




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July 27, 2009

Thats what I call a good news entry!

July 27, 2009

glad you are not still nursing a hangover….its wonderful when a party can be remembered…. smiles and hugs P

July 28, 2009

Sounds like a great time!

July 29, 2009

great concert no doubt! 🙂

July 31, 2009

I would love to see ACDC, they are the world’s greatest rock and roll band as far as I am concerned.