Back in Hospital ** EDIT

I picked Sam up from Hospital this morning (thursday) after a late night surgery.

We went to the fracture clinic for a check up !!! appointment at 9am. (WED)

expect to stay 2 hours , get an xray see a Dr etc ..

After 4 hours they came and said we are admitting him the fracture has not aligned properly and we need to realign it under general anaesthetic.

They sent us up to a ward .. found him a bed this was 3pm , he was nill by mouth, I sat with him till midnight when they took him in ..

and then I left at 2.30am after he came out and was back in the ward. Ian stayed with us .. from 8 till 1am ,

during that time Mark was brought into the emergency room with severe back pain (he has nerve damage).. so i spent some time with him down there too.

He is ok ..

Just needs to take his meds and be careful.

Sam is good the procedure was a waste of time .. the bones had set already and they could not move it back ..

The Dr was not going to be a Hero and cut into him and break the bones so decided that he will be ok as is. They re plastered his arm. All done.


Ohh dear .. am dead on my feet .

Thats my excitement for the day .. except that Max is off to the school ball tonight .. so cute in dress pants dress shirt and tie ..

That he searched the internet for to find out how to tie while I was asleep this morning, he is so clever … a double windsor knot if you don’t mind!!!


OK th  th   th  thats all folks

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December 10, 2008

Oh thank goodness the doc didn’t try and re-set it. That would have sucked.

December 10, 2008

What a time you’ve had! Thanks for the note.

December 11, 2008

its a rough time for you all. I do hope he feels better and heals quicker than so far. At least to enable everyone to make the most of the silly season celebrations. Take care, you need rest badly also by the sound of things …hugs to you and yours… P

December 15, 2008

RYN: Yes, John is dad to the two eldest, kp to the three young ones.