AUGUST !!!!!


wow you must have thought I was gone .. my last entry was in August … freaky ..

been facebooking ..


bullet points .

Wedding plans started in earnest.

Saving for trip to Oz in May brothers 60th. just me.

changing name to maiden name..

cold chisel ROCKED

Xmas shopping nearly all done.

TOH and I had second HUGE fight in 8 years .. 2 disagreements in 8 years not bad. and this was silly subject. I was hurt, went about it wrong way.

S has finished school for good .. he went to 7th form .. or year 13. how ever you roll. I am proud. Did ok , not fantatsic. but enough for a future I think.

Maxi did extremely well got over 100 credits and will be more when exam results come in. plus a High distinction in Agriculture

TOH loves new job , not had one sick day off in 4 months .. thats saying something

I have lost all my big kids .. they turned 5 and went to school .. BE went in May..was 10 weeks old when she started with me .. BG went in Oct  was 7 months when he started and PM went in Nov  was 8 months when she started. I cried so much and still do , they were like MINE. It almost turned me into a depression.. my saving grace was a 4 month old baby boy .. so the cycle starts again. plus play dates and after school care occasionally of the big guys ..

I am still on the Harcombe eating plan .. I fall off every now and then .. More Now than then this month with parties and functions .. but I lost 18 kg ( 36lbs?).. skinny bride on the way. I feel great .

I have been tossing all TOHs junk .. he moved in with years of stuff and never sorted any of it .. so now that he is settled I am allowed to sort and toss .. some I toss without telling .. some I give away , some he holds onto. I am also decluttering my stuff. It is not easy. i think about the hoarding shows I have watched and then bin it. or give it away. I love Freecycle. ( )  

I am done .. work christmas lunch soon .. better go.

If I don’t see you before .. Have a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year

Stay Safe




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December 9, 2011

Sounds all pretty good to me. One day I’ll get you to tell me how relationships work! hahaha.

December 9, 2011

good to see the return of kiwichatter….I only use FB occasionally myself..this place allows for me to say much more..( perhaps I should be named chatter as RYN: no it wasn’t beetroot in my case, they did tests etc….definately blood. But I do eat beetroot as well…and there is a difference. hugs and smiles P

December 9, 2011

ooooo can we see before and after photos of the weight loss…. Well Done