Anti procrastination day

Below is the reply I sent to a group I belong to here , I read an email from a fellow member about anti procrastination day and just replied , then thought ,, wow I should write like this in my diary .. hahaha so I copied and pasted and here you go..


I love the idea of anti procrastination day ..

I guess I have been doing that in Fits and Starts..

My Partner moves in soon .. (before the end of the year , was Oct , then Nov.. looks like Dec now) We both have cluttered homes.. I have 5 children he has 4 .. they add to the mess.. and create more.

Both have been doing little bits here and there, cleaning out kids wardrobes and tossing old clothes , books , toys  etc.

I have emptied the garden shed and cleaned it ready for all the camp gear.. and moved all the bikes to the lean too.

I have made raised vege gardens from old bath tubs given to me and from all the old planters and containers I had stashed in the garden shed and around the back yard .. now all neatly arranged in one corner of the yard with Veges and flowers in them ..

Both my teenage boys took Horticulture at school this year and have been a wealth of knowledge and help.

I seem to have energy and Goodness only knows why .. maybe all the brilliant sunshine we have had.

I have cleared a space in my room for another dressing table .. the filing cabinet is now in the garage with a spare computer desk and chair, I have moved all the "junk" in there and have laid carpet that I got from a carpet laying company , torn up from someones house.. the garage is half carepted and that will serve as the office.

I have 2 huge shelving units that divide the garage and on the other side from the "office" TOH will set up his lounge as it is now at his place .. Tv, couches , playstation, DVD etc and the fooseball table. This way the kids have a lounge to be in and play games and watch movies etc when they come and we can have a lounge for us.

Also becasue i work from home I need the lounge area for my care kids especially during school holidays .. 

I will have 4 care kids , my 2 boys and his 3 boys and daughter.. shudders at the thought , but .. it works better , they all keep each other amused.


I would also just like to mention Freecycle here again if I have already spoken of it ..

All the clothes , books , shoes, toys , furniture, kitchen stuff "junk" that I have decluttered was snapped up by a whole lot of families that have put it all to good use. and if you don’t have one in your area , ask to start one..


WOW.. that was a lot off my chest ..

Have a happy week ..

Back off to potter


Happily decluttering in sunny Hamilton




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October 27, 2009

when you use the baths- what do you do for drainage and what do you full them with- do you use compost, dirt or potting mix?

October 27, 2009

Ah freecycle! You just reminded me! I reckon veggies growing out of baths would look awesome!

October 28, 2009

an anti procrastination day would never work in my family. Both my kids are the worlds worst procrastinators, and I am not far behind them. But I do eventually get it all done. You have put me to shame about decluttering….lol hugs P

October 28, 2009

ryn: thank you for that- I read your entry today and sent Richard an email saying I think we need to use the two baths we have as raised vege gardens and he thought I was so clever- chuckles- and now I will fill the bottom with broken bricks and full the rest with compost- cool idea! xxx

October 28, 2009

ryn: hahaha! I LOVE gloria from madagascar! Caden has been watching that movie over and over recently. 🙂 thanks for the sweet comments about my boys.

October 28, 2009

this is a great entry – I am always attempting to de-clutter my house. I am admittedly a pack rat (thanks mom!) and my sweet husband does his best to put up with me. He’s a throw it all out kind of guy. However, over the last year I’ve cut down on A LOT of my stuff. I’m going to check out that freecycle thing! sounds great!

October 28, 2009

very cool my recycling friend.

October 29, 2009

I LOVE getting rid of excess stuff. I am always working on de-cluttering the kids stuff….bit by bit I try to whittle it away. The garden baths and tubs sound great.