and now for something


Completely different…

I had a phone call today from the Waikato Council ( animal control) .. He asked me if I was still the owner of a Mastiff x Labrador named Diamond..

Umm yes I am .. .. ( remember when TOH could not pay the dog registration … I paid it and he paid me back .. well both dogs are registered under my name as their regs had expired where he lived. )

Well it turns out that Diamond jumped the fence at Nanas chased some guy down the street wanting to play with his dog and then bit .. or scatched him .

He laid a complaint with the dog control and they came around to the house .. all fair enough .. he said in his statement that diamond was just after his dog to play with or scare off the street , she was not after him that he got in the way . The dog control guy could see that Diamond was not an aggresive dog , that she was probably protecting her patch( being TOHs mums house) she was out of her normal comfort zone ..

He seemed fairly calm about it and the officer was great .. he said that because the dog was out of its registered area that my council will have to deal with it .. that we may have to pay the guys mediacl bills , and that maybe she will need to be muzzled if she leaves the property etc .. and there could be a fine up to $300.  He will be back in touch ..

So TOH and the kids come home .. I made pies for dinner and was doing the veges .. I still had one care kid here , she was a late leaver today ..

Younger son, Aide came in .. big grin and said wow .. Diamond got out of Nans and bit a guy on the hand

I said I know and I am not happy , the council rang me .

Older son ,Corb came in and dropped off some stuff then went to the office ..

TOH came in ..said Hello ..  went to the bedroom did what he had to .. by this time my care child had been picked up.

TOH and I stood in the kitchen discussing the call from the council .  He told me what his Mum said .. she sugar coated what the council guy said to me or he sugar coated it to her .. either way , he thought all was sweet .. I was fuming.

Corb has been off school  "sick" for 2 days, if he was mine he would have been at school .. if he was here he would have been in bed .. but at nans he gets to play on the computer.. gets to be out in the shed with Pop , he feeds the chickens , he is not sick.

I am tough .. if you are sick enough to be off school, then you need to be in bed .. maybe TV .. maybe a movie. In your bed .. not curled up on the couch so you can see whats going on .. sick is sick , rest and get well ..

He had a "sore" throat and a head ache .. Hell Aide has been up nights hacking and coughing and didn’t get a day off school .. his nose was running like a tap , head all blocked and he never got a day off school .. but soft old Corb did .. eldest son syndrome, I don’t buy into that either.

Anyway I digress ( we parent differently)

Corb has been out at Nans , TOH drops the kids there , then comes into work .. he could have left Corb here , with the dogs .. but no he took him out to nans.

He was told that today he could let Diamond off the chain and to watch her .. see if she could be trusted.. The other dog , Smudge goes nowhere .. Diamond has always jumps Nans fence . So he let her off  and watched her and then she was good for a while so he stopped watching her .. the man walks passed with his Dog , she gives chase . done

TOH went to have a shower , I finished dinner , I came into the garage to get frozen vege and the boys were all standing about the computer , I said to Corb .. so what the heck were you thinking leaving her unattended ? where were you ? 

he said I was watching her,,,     i said not very bloody well ..

She is never allowed off the chain at Nans .. you know she always leaps the fence ..

This could end in a $300 fine .. who the hells paying for that ?  We better hope this does not turn ugly…

Thats pretty much all I said ..

Half an hour later TOH comes in to the kitchen and yells at me ..

I spoke to my boy about Diamond, how dare you speak to him and make him cry , does it make you feel tough making my boy cry .. he thinks its all his fault now , crying in there ..

I looked at him and I said , good .. maybe next time he’ll bloody watch the dog ..

You make your kids cry all the time , does that make you feel tough ??

I never meant to make him cry .. but I am not sorry for what I said .

He was so angry.. he was yelling at me . His face all contorted .. I hated it .. I just looked at him and said yes .. No and I am not sorry .

He said .. I have spoken to him about it already , I asked him what he was doing , how did she get out ,

I said Good so did I ..

He said He was not happy that I made his sone cry ..

I said ,neither was I when he upset my kids , but I never bleated to him about it, cos If he told my kids off about something it was cos they needed it..and if it was over the top I speak to you about it later..

He shut up .. he was fuming .

I dished up S’s dinner and took it to him at Volleyball

I came home .. the dishes were done the place tidy ..

We have not spoken since.

I am wild that he pounced on me like that in front of his kids and Maxi ..

I am wild that his boy cried and I got a growling ..

I am wild that the bloody dog got out and I got a call from the council.

I am wild at TOH.. seething that he yelled at me.

I am not sorry .



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September 14, 2010

Phew…take care.

September 14, 2010

ryn: The hospital has a new policy that visiting hours are to be restricted and strictly adhered to. The fathers/partners are not exempt and have not been allowed in to see their wives and kids except within visitors hours. many couples have been very upset by this.

September 14, 2010

Good on you for taking a stand! That must have been so tough. *hugs*

September 14, 2010

TUH certainly does need to take more responsibility on all counts ( dogs and kids). That said, I am totally in favour of kids being off school if they are unwell, even mildly, because they only spread their germs to others. But you are right, they should be in bed. The fact today many teachers are striking and school is off will probably add to your angst….but you are perfectly entitled to all your feelings. Stick to your guns…or use them….(metaphorically speaking of course…lol) hugs P

September 14, 2010

RYN: Thanks hon. Dad is in WA because he lost his job in Cali, and that was the only place he could find a tugboat captain’s job. My mom has been applying for jobs constantly up there, using my dad’s local address, and she’s had one nearly successful interview ( the chicke decided not to retire, grr) and a phone interview. That’s all after 1 1/2 years applying. They’d lose 2 homes if she left.

September 14, 2010

theres a loud message in this- i am sure you see it love and hugs

September 15, 2010

well it just cant be easy bringing two families under one….lots you have to talk to TOH about…yep you have a right to be pissed….. about the sick thing though…I’m dead against sick people being at work/school….they should stay home so no one else gets sick….but definitely resting