all good and off camping


Things have been going along swell.. I am Babe .. Honey and sweetness

I get 3-4 text messages a day. One call a week and 1 -2 emails.

So much for no coverage and no time.

I am so happy. things are going well.

I believe TOH was on the downward spiral to depression due to lack of money and people calling and knocking on the door looking for money , he was not earning as much as hge had since redundancy and had to swallow male pride and go to the Welfare office WINZ for help and they made him feel low and jump through hoops . Then he landed the job at the power station and he could see the light at the end of the tunnel .. but he also had $$$$$$ rolling in his eyes after hearing the men he worked with earned up to $180,ooo a year. so he wanted to follow that and then he had to leave his kids , me and family .. but he was not going to stay here and go broke and have the demeaning privlidge of welfare every week. So he left .. with a big hard assed attitude to cover his sadness and anxiety.

Anyway .. he is different.. and I like it ..

I think we will be good for now.

This weekend Maxi and I are off to ohawe beach camping .. but last i heard there was snow on the mountain ( Mt Taranaki) last night .. so I am prepared for a chilly few days .

I took Tuesday off work and will have a leisurely drive home tuesday by myself as Maxi is Bussing back Monday afternoon.


Talk again soon .. lol write / read . I will have pics..

Take care this easter weekend..

Ohh and Happy Birthday Damon for the 7th .. sorry I missed it .. when I get back Pam I have another parcel to post.




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April 9, 2009

yes it is bound to be colc down Taranaki….wrap up warm…there will be snow on the mountain for sure. Have a great time…and its good to know all is well with you and yours. huggles P

He said Thank you 🙂 and I said YEA! ANother parcel!! whooo hooo! 🙂 I am sooo spoiled! Hey if i get this job you will have many parcels. yep yep! love you! panzer

taylor bow qporno tpey

April 11, 2009

you take care of yourself in this my friend remember things need to be right for you

April 14, 2009

Hope you can nurture that love between the other half and you and that it grows continually.