Ah Ah aaatisssshhoooo

Pardon me ..

I am full of it .. headache , achey bones, stuffy head and blocked nose ..or runny depends on how far away the tissues are.

Last Tuesday and wednesday I lay on the couch and did sod all .. I took the 2 days off work as I had been unwell Monday night .. I had the chills and ached and thought I was coming down with something.. I slept heaps and caught up on rest .. but the thing i thought I was coming down with hit me last night ..

Today has been miserable.. But as one other of my Favs so truthfully put it   we just carry on as women do ..

I didn’t last week as I could hardly move with achey hips and back .. but today it is just my head and aslong as the tisues are close I can carry on. Mind you .. if one of my care kids turned up like this I would probably send them home ..

Its been ages since I wrote in here.. been so busy with nothing..

I reposessed Sparkys bike .. he was $320 behind in payments..He suddenly decided that to talk to me was a good thing and has paid 3 months in advance. So it wasn’t as if he had no money .

Dino has been going out with Tiny.m since Easter.. how cute .. she stays over a couple of nights a week now and is here at least 4 night s a week for dinner or hanging out. We get on well and she asked Dino if i would adopt her as her family is Sh*^… so much better than Sparkys first GF. I like Tiny.m.

It is the Gemini Party this weekend..20th annual … 5 Bands approx… all celebrating our mates birthday.. it is on Sunday night and goes all night. .. I usually end up making breakfast for 10 or so at our mates place .. mainly as i was always the only one standing. ( my trick .. lol shhh don’t tell. I drink one beer / bourbon then fill the bottle with water and have 2 of those .. then another beer / bourbon .. etc .. then when they are all hammered at about 3 am I go and have a little nap in the van .. and wake up refreshed and they are all had it)

I went to the Winter Show over the weekend .. it was not as good as I remember as a kid or even young adult .. but still there were some interesting stalls and funny things to watch.

We watched the Lumberjacks and they had us in stitches .. they put on a funny show with one guy limbering up to chop down a tree and the other older guy sitting drinking "whiskey" then he jumps up and uses a chainsaw while the younger guys been slogging at the tree with an axe..  anticipated but funny.

They also had men and women doing chainsaw sculptures .. and maybe later on one of you out there can help me..

I got carried away in an auction of the finished sculptures at the end of the show before we went home and won one.. a Harley Davidson motor bike chainsaw sculpture.. OMG it is the cutest thing.

If i can remember how I will post pics.

My prob is .. how do i preserve it so that it wont split or rot.. it is wet wood and rough sawn.

Anyway .. proceeds from the auction went to child cancer ..

Its late and I must get to bed .. I have made a Lemsip and have some old Fijian eucylyptus remedy on a tissue to clear my sinuses..

Good night all..     🙂



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May 27, 2008

Hope you are feeling better soon.

May 27, 2008

ditto…I also have a cold…my first in about ten years and had forgotten how lousy it makes one feel. RYN: Sure…I will email you later with a few images I will be selling. Am also selling that large framed set of agapanthas ( frame made from a chair arm)….but it would be a tad heavy to send to you. Remind me later if I forget. thanks for your interest and caring. Get well soon… much love P

May 29, 2008

I did not even know the winter show was on… how bad this that? Hope you are better soon- and when you are ready lets get going- I am still loosing weight- go me!!

May 30, 2008

awwww, you poor thing, colds are yukky. And thanks for your supportive note my friend, much appreciated xx

May 31, 2008


June 2, 2008

RYN; sorry….. forgot! Now am starting to feel better will get my act together and send some. ok ? hugs p

June 3, 2008

just replied to email with details….let me know if thats not ok. Thanks again for your support… hugs P

June 3, 2008

Hope your nose behaves itself before too long.

June 4, 2008

feel better soon. thanks for coming by…”we just carry on as women do” .. oh so true.