8pm pick up.


Mum flew back home last night , an 8 pm pick up from the airport . yes I know not a very long visit with the rellies , but she said it was long enough.

We sat up and chatted till 11pm .. sheesh ..

I picked up my sister on my way to the airport .. she thought Mum was flying out Thursday , not coming home . Communication is bad ..lol so she was going to growl at mum for not calling and saying goodbye .. heehee.

My sisters partner is unwell , he has emphysema  and does not leave the house much at all .. it is the early stages but he tires easily .. so she is his company .. last night as I drove her home she was saying that no one rings , no one visits , she is his friend.. I was shocked .. this man was a very popular person … he had mates .. he did everything for anyone .. he was abrupt and suffered no fools , but I never expected him to be Johnny no mates. She was nearly in tears as we drove home saying that when he dies she was not putting it in the paper .. no one came to see him when he needed friends so to hell with them coming to his funeral and talking about him. It will be just me and him like it is now …

I felt guilty … and sad .. but I never really liked this guy .. he was rude to me once and I guess I never got over it ..but to think that he was up there day in and day out on his own is nasty .. he is a hoarder also and lives for his Dog , the dog has free reign of the house ..he has his chair , my sister hers .. the dog an old couch in the corner .. and thats it , no where else to sit .. piles and stacks , papers , bags , stuff. he still smokes .. never opens a window so the overpowering smell of Dog and ciggarette smoke is enough to put off the most hardy of mates I reckon.  It is not as bad as some pics I have seen of Hermits homes as my sister does her little bit to keep it tidy .. but if she dare to throw anything .. watch out. There are piles everywhere .. and I guess to a certain extent tracks through the house .. not quite ceiling height. but the table is covered , under the table .. the hallway (old front door entrance) boxes and papers stacked .. 1960s decor unaltered. yellowed net curtains ( although that was before my sister renewed them) I remember that .. he thought there was nothing wrong with them .. untill we took them down and they damn near stood up on their own and then disintergrated.

I always thought of him being a Hermit .. just going about his business in his home behind closed gates and the brick fence .. it suited him .. and that seems to be what he is doing., my sister and him have been together for close to 20 years .. maybe 18.

Never married but she changed her name to his.

Ohhh I am sad .. but I can not bring myself to go there and visit him ..and seriously I thought better of myself ..

depressing ..



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November 5, 2009

wow that is depressing I feel more sorry for your sister…. he comes across as a very selish person, i could be wrong

November 5, 2009

gosh that is so sad and especially for your sister- is she the one who does weight watchers?

November 8, 2009

I think he might be suffering from depression and would benefit from some form of treatment. It’s not always easy to access services though.