5 min entry


Life goes on ..

I have been busy living mine .

Visited with my Island friends Rocky and Polly..

Rocky had the BEST birthday pary I have been at in some time , so many cool friends and so many laughs , and him and his lady friend were great hosts. *waves*.. VuVuzella forever!!

Quick catch up with Polly , another wonderful woman in my life.. lovely coffee and scones, a quick pic and off to the ferry..

S has been in Hospital again .. seems his yearly thing .. he had a twisted teste, but not just any old twisted teste , he had to do it like no one else and get all the surgeons salivating at the sight of one they had never seen before .. he is booked for 6 monthly scans now .. one had 1/3 died and so they need to see that it is being absorbed by the body and not causing issues, S now says they are sewn to the centre of the scrotum and feel way different .. I guess in time  they will become normal to him as he slowly forgets what they felt like before ..   Oh and he turned 18 ..

maybe this is a longer than 5 min entry .. but I feel thats all I have .

My baby ( care baby) started with me when she was 10 weeks old .. I was the one constant thing in her life as parents seperated and moved homes and jobs and partners .. I would have had her in my home more than her own parents had her at theirs.. she turned 5 last month and started school .. I cried for days , and even now 3 weeks later when I talk about her tears threaten to spill. I also think I am in a slight depression at her loss…  I can’t be bothered anymore .. the bond with the others is not as strong as it was with her..  I need to snap out of this.

money is tight.. I have dropped $300 a week slowly over a period of 2 months.. New hours , kindy hours , school etc and the belt is as tight as it can get. Yet the bills keep comming and I struggle to cope. ( also a source of depression)

we have added to the Farm here in the suburbs.. 2 Indian runner ducks and  3 chickens ( Black orpington) I had a 4th but I think she was old and has passed on to the great farmyard.  The children love to feed them and watch them in the back yard..

TOH took me away for my Birthday in April .. we went to Mania ( man eye a) in Taranaki .. we stayed in a 100 yr old pub .. not refurbished .. lol it was an experience and I LOVED it. the floors rolled and leaned and the building whistled. The staff and the drinks were refreshing and the locals a hoot.

I have just had a weekend away with my Niece in Auckland .. a low cost get away ,Plus I was lucky enough to have a very wonderful friend help me with petrol costs.. I spent a lovely time with them also. Stolen time away from families and life to be together for a bit. Love it.

I learnt something I am not happy with about my niece .. something i always susspected and have to the most part ignored .. she is a bully and her poor husband quakes and asked me not to mention this or that and please don’t tell her I said this .. she hits hard were his words.. I tried to give advice and suggested he stand up as he’d be able to outrun her, and he said if I do she’ll leave .. she will have no problem in walking away. .. I said you are creating a monster giving in to her every whim and wish .. and he said it was too late.  He walks on egg shells .. he tries to soften the path before her every move , jumping to attention and doing all the work and thanking her for the end result..  He cooked breakfast Sunday morning , but did not dare slice the mushrooms, as the slicer was new and she had never used it before, that was her priviledge , after the mushrooms were sliced she sat and he did EVERYTHING else .. then checked that it was all to her satisfaction before he sat and ate .. then he jumped up and cleared her plate away and I had to fight to do the dishes.. later in the day he was asked if he wanted  lunch and he said ohh nothing for me, I had such a handsome breakfast  thanks to you my darling..  thank you I ‘ll just grab a snack later ..  she taks over him and if she does not like what he has to say she stops him from talking .. she belittles him in front of others and laughs at his expense. I worried about saying anything as it will be even harder on him.. how does one cope with this .. I guess i should look at family violence sights and get some info .. also talking to him .. but how as she has access to all his media , emails , phone , messages.

Ohhh the more i think about what i have seen this passed weekend the more I remember things said and done in the past on visits from them .. Grrrrrrrrrrr

ok children here and I need to move ..






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June 16, 2011

What a full life you lead Kc, and I’ll remember your tuneful blasts on the vuvuzela for as long as I live! Thanks for helping to make the party happen xx