2 degrees


This follows on from a Favs entry.. Polly talked of New Zealanders having a 2 degrees of separation while world wide it is more like 6 degrees.. we’ve all heard it and talked about it , and living in small towns all your life does not help the incidences ..

I feel that my circle of friends is just about incestual…

When I meet new people I ask a few simple questions and Bam .. we know the same people.. Very rarely are we not connected somehow… unless they are new to Hamilton.

My latest WOW nearly made me cry…

When I met TOH ( maybe 6 years ago)  we were in the supermarket and he said oh look theres a mate of mine I am just going to say Hi .. I watched him walk off and chat to a lady ..YLT  …. I giggled and followed, she was my little sisters best friend, and we had all hung out at her house as teens .. seems TOH was her brothers friend and also hung out at the same house ..So that started off a chain of questions about being at the house at the same time .. maybe having met way back as teens .. lol wonder how that would have turned out ..

We worked out that we probably only passed each other and not actually hung out.. I had moved away to another town for a few years and that seemed to be the time that TOH was there the most..

Over time TOH introduced me to another friend  this guy seemed more familiar so we started to chat and turns out that Him and I meet at YLTs .. My girlfriend at the time , dated YLTs brother  — MLT– and while I was waiting on the deck for them to get ready .. I waited with Steve.

Steve and TOH are best friends … and after a few  months of meeting them Steve and his wife asked me to look after their son and take him to and from school.. which I have been doing for 4 years.

On another friend plane… I have a friend called Batman, he was the friend that took me for a ride on his Harley for my birthday a few years ago. Turns out Batman went out with YLT for 4 years , employed her older sister OLT and was also friends with MLT… In recent years I have crashed YLTs 40th birthday , and most recently I crashed OLTs wedding, both with Batman and we had such a wicked time catching up ..

After this wedding we decided to have a party to coincide with TOHs birthday and also MLT being home from Ozzy for his sisters wedding .. lets all get together and call in all the other friends that were in the group.    wicked idea ..

Steve was here picking up his son and we chatted about plans .. yep it was all coming together. From out of nowhere I asked him ," How did you first meet MLT .. how did you become his friend.. and this is the bit that made me cry..

He said " YLT went to school with my cousin…. and my cousin took me there and we became good friends"

I went to school with YLT ..  but not close at all so wondered who this cousin was ..

Turns out that Steves cousin is my old childhood BEST BEST Boy mate … TIE … TIE and I did everything together .. there were 3 of us ..KD TIE and I , we rode our bikes all over town .. got into all sorts of stuff and had adventures..

TIE and I drifted apart at high school .. but we stayed in touch a little.. then as adults caught up again and wrote to each other .. he had moved to Oz and then to Christchurch.. and then I lost him..

TOH and TIE share the same name … lol and could not be more further apart as men.

Steve has promised to get in touch with him and pass on my details..

It still amazes me. Warm fuzzies.

Years ago .. 15 probably .. I was driving the kids to school and a car pulled out of a side road and drove off in front of me .. as they turned the corner I noticed something fall from the roof of the car .. I stopped and picked it up .. it was a wallet .. full of money .. I followed the car .. I got close as I could .. I tooted , I flashed my lights .. I chased for 10 minutes and lost them at the lights..

I dropped the kids off and went through the wallet and realised that I vaguely knew this ladys husband .. but he would never remember me , he was a member in a band, I was a fan .

I found a bill with an address on it and went to the house .. I knocked on the door and waited .. a very blurry eyed PM came to the door .. I explained what I had found and asked for his some proof of who  he was .. lol.

He was very very grateful that I had returned the wallet.

6 years ago .. TOH took me to meet a business partner .. we pulled up into this house .. same house where years earlier I had returned the wallet.. I said P?? is that PM ?? and he said yeah .. do you know him .. lol

Sort of ..

when we sat down and all had a drink I asked them if they remembered the wallet incident… OMG .. PM and his wife LM both beamed .. finally they got to meet the lady that had made a difference in the way they thought .. in that wallet was their last $150 .. they were broke .. and the power was about to be disconected.. if they did not pay the bill that day they would have been cut off .. They had saved money from groceries and other bills and were on the way to pay the bill when LM lost her wallet ,, and an hour later PM rang her and said some lady had returned it with ALL the money still there.

We are firm friends ..

🙂 …

And one last thing .. that lovely boy Dan Carter of New Zealand All Black fame is a distant relative of mine.. We have a family tree book made a few years before my Dad passed away after he had attended a reunion .. and there it is in black and white ..



I wonder whats next



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October 2, 2009
October 2, 2009

cool and such good heart beats in this entry

October 2, 2009

I’m going to remember your wallet story now if ever I find a wallet. It might be somebody’s last $150, so I better do all I can to hunt them down.

October 2, 2009

none of this surprises me, except the fact that you live in a large city and that would appear to reduce the odds normally. But in fact it eems you mix in circles of similar interests, and that must make a difference. I continue to have incredible ‘connections’ like this too, on a daily basis almost…in fact today a long time friend told me she’s been investigating her family geneology and discovered she has great grandparents from UK with same surname as me.She and I already learned a few years ago we went to the sames schools ( in your city) at same time, I was just a year ahead of her. The conincidences continue but thats for another time. Glad you’re having fun with this. BTW…Sir Walter Nash was my dad’s second cousin…howzat!!! hugs and smiles P

October 2, 2009

Interesting connections. I really enjoyed ‘6 degrees of Separation’, but no one in the large group I saw it with many moons ago could understand it! Perhaps I am connected to a group of brilliant individuals!

October 3, 2009

wow, that’s a lot of coincidences.

October 4, 2009


October 6, 2009

Funny thing, i live in Hamilton, we both know what each other looks like, we’ve probably walked past each other tonnes. LOL.

October 7, 2009

we are indeed live in a small world…:)