
So I finally got a reply from a couple of the Psych Professors. I met with one of them about a week or so ago. All I need to graduate is Psych Stats and Research Methods (it just sucks because they build on each other so those two classes will take me a whole year to complete). I asked her if my Sociology Stats and Research Methods could count and she said she would have to talk to a different professor about it and that I "shouldn’t count on it" because she has seen students transfer to UWM from other colleges and their Psych 101 classes didn’t even count (which is  ridiculous). In the meantime I got an e-mail from the professor and she said that it wouldn’t count. However, I didn’t tell the professor I met with that I know this-instead I sent her the syllibus and she said she would talk to her (maybe she can change her mind about the class).  It’s just terrible that they aren’t willing to work with their students at all. Again I am reminded why I chose not to major in Psychology at UWM.

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August 11, 2007

Majoring in Psychology is tough no matter where you go. Unless you plan on going to graduate school, there isn’t much you can do with a degree in Psychology. I hope they let you transfer it over. If not, I’m sure everything will work out. It’s just another year – things could be worse. Take care and good luck

August 11, 2007

Its always alot of fun dealing with the run around. I have started the process with UNM. Its nuts.

August 11, 2007
August 11, 2007

its not really a working with students issue its mostly a money one…..and most of the professors i dont think have too much influence over what transfers and what doesnt. good luck with it anyway, and since u plan to be there a while longer if u dont have any other classes to take maybe u can get into a graduate class or two while u are taking the stats and research methods classes