Today and This Weekend

So I was able to look at the wedding photos. I’m excited that we get to keep all of them and then we get to pick a couple we want the photogrohper to enlarge as well. It’s going to be difficult for us to pick just two that we want enlarged though. Other then that we spent the weekend helping Ryan’s aunt move her mother-in-law into her place. Fun fun….I like moving other people just as much as I like moving myself–and that is not at all. I spent half the time babysitting Ryan’s aunt’s kids and the other half of the time helping them move stuff. I probably over did it a little, but the next morning I wasn’t cramping at all so I guess that’s good.

We had a pretty nice storm last night. We were actually still at Ryan’s parent’s house and they lost power. That was fun. Ryan’s sister was freaking out because she thought she lost her paper that she was working on. I probably would be too, although the paper was only a page and a half or so. Turns out that she has a 3 page paper due every week, but the class only lasts for a few weeks. Ahh I remember 3 page papers…now I get excited if I only have to write a 5 page paper. LOL To be an undergrad again….

In other news I did basically nothing all day today. Ugh I feel like such a loser. Although tonight I’m going to be busy. I have to attend three community events with my group for a class and tonight we are going to a lecture/book signing. It’s going to be sooooo boring! I’m going to tell my group that I can’t stay for the book signing…and get out of there as soon as I can. Not a fan of having to drive in the dark anyways.

We officially picked out baby names! If it’s a boy we are going to name him Micheal Christopher and if it’s a girl we are going to name her Julia Rae. Ryan and I decided on Rae for a middle name after his parents–both of their middle names are Rae/Ray. When we told his mom she almost started crying she was so happy. It’s nice to be able to do something for them after everything they’ve done for us. I’m starting to worry more and more about daycare though. It’ll cost us more than $200/week to put our child through a decent daycare. I could probably just drop the baby off with one of Kristin’s friends but I really want to be there with the baby and be able to see him/her when I have a break….I’m really torn here…I wish money weren’t an object….


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October 16, 2008

I love storms where the power goes out…They are so much fun, and theres so much energy in the world… I wouldnt worry about daycare so much though. It’ll work itself out. 🙂 Glad your feeling ok physically though!

October 19, 2008

Thanks, I love your baby names and the reason behind the middle name 🙂

October 23, 2008

RYN: Yea I definatly need a friend in the same field as your husband!

October 23, 2008

I ended up realizing that I was only going to make $50/week after paying for day care so I stayed home with Emmie instead…you don’t need to worry decide now and you can always decide and then change your mind!