School and Other Stuff

So, my hubby has been gone on a business trip this week and last week. I can’t believe how fast he’s grown on me, I miss him sooo much! I used to be the kind of person that didn’t need to see their significant other everyday and could live without talking to them everyday…I guess I’m not that person anymore. Instead I get upset if he leaves for a day! Ugh!! What happened to me??

In other news I have a baby bump–officially. There’s no denying the fact that I’m pregnant. Dr. says the baby is doing fine, although I have to go in on Monday for diabetic testing, which is going to take 3 hours! Not looking forward to that!! Ryan and I are still kicking around ideas for a girls name if it ends up being a baby girl. Orignally we were going to go with Sarah but he likes Abey, and then a couple weeks ago when we were looking through a name book we came across Julia, we both really like that name. Now we just have to decide 100% that that’s what we want to go with and think of a middle name…any ideas??

School has been going well so far. I’ve been good about going to classes and trying to get as much of the reading done as possible. I have three papers due next week so I’m kinda stressing about that, but otherwise I’m doing alright. There was one incident during one of my classes where I got a migrain and didn’t have any medication with me, I will never forget my Imitrex again…ugh that was not fun. It doesn’t help either that it was during a 3 hour long class.

Other then that I’m going to be busy the next week, I have doctors appointments to go to, and advisors that I have to meet with on top of papers that I have to write. Ryan and I start our birthing class on Thursday so I’m looking forward to that. That’s about it on my end…

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September 18, 2008

ryn, well i plan on buying lots of shiny new toys in the next few months so u will have to come over and play with some of them:P

September 25, 2008

Wow girly, you sound so busy! I can’t believe your goign to have a baby, thats so much fun! my middle name is Kagen, its russian and jewish, but your welcome to use it! Julia Kagen…Its a family name…otherwise, my other favorite name is Rose, Julia Rose…Thats pretty! Keep us updated on whats going on with all that! *hug*

September 25, 2008

ryn: Thanks, I saw that and I had to share with everyone.

October 2, 2008

ryn: Thanks, I am just growing impatient. I always wanted one of those big happy families, I just fear I dont have the patience so I will probably stick with 2, but I want the option left open incase I do feel I have the patience. It would seriously be a zoo around here. 🙂