It Is

So…I have finally decided to write in here again…after a very long break. My daughter, Julia is now 2 years old! She talks…walks and throws temper-tantrums…and boy can she manipulate me already!! Just the other day she hit me in the face (playfully mind you) and because she knew I was going to get upset she started kissing me and saying "kissy mommy". Oi! How can you get mad at her after she gives you a "kissy"??

In other news life has been a huge roller coaster…I spent my last semester interning at the Virginia Health and Rehab Center and then they decided to hire me on. It has been about 3 months of working there (and going to school as I have one semester left). It’s difficult for me to describe how I feel…let me see…I’m not happy. I guess that was easier then I thought after all. I spent so much of my time working towards getting my MSW…and I’m finally working in my field of interest…and I’m unhappy. It just doesn’t make any sense at all…how can I be so unhappy? I feel depressed and anxious all the time while I’m at work and when I come home all I think about is work…which just makes me even more depressed and anxious. I am seriously considering quitting…but I know my husband and I could really use the money. So I feel stuck. I know that in order to do my job I have to be "happy", I have to be a "better person" and I have to be calm and collective…all of which I’m not. I really feel as though I have Depression and my problems could be solved by taking medication…but I am also privy to the fact that if you do go into a Psychiatrist and you do get labeled as "MDD" it stays with you forever…so for the time being I’m trying St. John’s Wart, and I hope and I pray that it can help me.

Alright…I think that’s about it for the time-being, if anyone on here is still reading…thank you.

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January 29, 2011

Thanks for the note!! Hi Speed is so exciting!!! Woo woo!!

January 29, 2011

ryn well so far my battery is still fine:P I think you should write here more it might relieve some stress. Also, I think you should wait to quit until they tell u can’t go to cedar point with me this year then quit:P If it all possible I do think you should try to stick it out a few more months and look for something much better after graduation. Part of the problem is you already have so muchother stress so that just makes work worse. Good luck with it all, i know what its like going to a job you hate.

January 30, 2011

Still reading. Glad you’re around. :o) I’ve been reading Marx lately (yay, grad school!), and I think your entry exemplifies his theory of labor–that man (because they were all sexist back in the day) is only happy and fulfilled when not working (for capitalist pigs). For me: goals. It’s all about goals. Keep working toward something, and you’ll always have a purpose. And that is tantamount.

January 30, 2011

I work from 230-9 so I can watch OLTL before work, which is nice. I’ve missed a few years because I got out of watching. It is nice that the show is on tv but I would love to have a marathon of them like on dvd or dvr.

January 31, 2011
February 6, 2011

Glad to make your acquaintance; As for your inquiry…, well, I’m still trying to determine my course of study….Preferably, I’d like to pursue something that doesn’t bore me or confine me to grueling number-crunching or research….As for your entry, I can only hope this dark patch you’ve entered as of late somehow subsides. YOu have my prayers. -AF