
I almost forgot to mention something of great importance. While I went to summerfest this weekend the guy next to us told me that he was going to propose to his girlfiend and while they listened to Blue October they were dancing between the bleachers and he took the ring out of his pocket. At that very momment I believed in love again. I felt this surge of mixed emotions run through me…I could hear her scream in delight and they danced until the song was over and then after the concert the guy looked at me with the sweetest smile I had ever seen and he said "she said yes". My eyes welled with tears….it was a feeling that I have never had before. Almost as if he was asking me and not his girlfriend…

It’s a strange feeling…I wish that some day I could be that happy…but maybe happiness isn’t something that’s found. It’s something that you have to work to have…it’s something that you have to find in yourself. I wish I had that bubbly happy personality I so admire in other people. You can always tell that good things come to those people…it’s almost like they are magnets for good things. Maybe I have been doing it wrong all along-since all along those good things that rarely came into my life were the things that would make me happy. When I should have been happy just because and all of those good things would just come to me…

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July 10, 2007
July 10, 2007

RYN – He says he does. =]

July 10, 2007

I’ve learned nothing external can make us happy, but rather we must be happy from within. Be well.

July 10, 2007

I think its something that both comes to us and something that has to be worked for, if you are never satisfied and always working trying to ‘make’ yourself happy all you will ever do is ‘work’ but at the same time if you are constantly just waiting for it to come and just being content true happiness might never show up. Its all about balencing those two thing….well thats what i think anyway

July 10, 2007

Happiness is something achieved and lost in an airport. Cars tend to be the same way. If you want to be happy, look in the mirror and look at your nose. Is it broken? IIf not, it is a good day

July 18, 2007

I think the problem most of us have is that we are rarely completely satisfied. Rather than count our blessings, we greedily want more.