
So, I wrote out this whole long blog about my sister Nicole and fricken OD timed out on me and I lost all my data. So not typing that all out again…grrrr so frustrating!!!!!!!! But here’s the skinny:

Basically there’s a lot of drama with my family. My mom called me the other day to tell me that my brother, and my sister’s husband-Pat were going to get "kicked out" because my dad found them in the garage drinking. They are both of-age but one my dad’s rules when they moved in was that they weren’t allowed to drink (Pat shouldn’t be drinking anyways because he’s an alcoholic and they are both supposed to save money in order to get their own place).

My mom doesn’t want them out on the streets and basically begged my dad to give them a little time in order to find a place. He’s apparently going to give them until next Friday to find something. I tried to tell my mom that they did it to themselves and that they deserve to be kicked out, but my mom just gives and gives and gives and my siblings take advantage of it.

This isn’t the first time that they’ve been drinking behind everyone’s back either-my dad’s found countless beer bottles laying around and he’s just let it slide. I think now that he’s caught them red-handed he can’t be in denial about it anymore and has to face the fact that they have been breaking the rules.

My sister Nicole is totally naive and doesn’t understand that Pat is the one that has screwed up, when I asked her how she felt about what happened, she said that it was our parents fault and that they won’t ever see Marie (Nicole’s one year old) again if they kick my brother and Pat out. They won’t see her again mostly because my sister Nicole would rather follow her dead-beat husband than stay at home where her and her daughter would be taken care of.

I could never get along with Nicole anyways, we are just on different planets it seems. Her one aspiration in life is to be a "housewife" and I’m way too independant and strong willed to deal with her. I know that sounds harsh but I see her potential wasting away because she would rather sit at home and watch Barney with her one year old than have any real goals in her life. It doesn’t help that she married the first guy she was in a serious relationship with, she has no real-world experience and would rather marry someone who is not only an alcoholic, but someone who has been divorced, has three kids with his ex, had his liscence taken away because he has too many DUI’s on his record, and doesn’t even have his GED. Not to mention the fact that he doesn’t have a "real" job and most of his check from his current job goes to child support and to booze.

My dad was saying that they’ve been having to buy Marie’s diapers because he doesn’t have money to buy them. Granted he’s supposed to be saving every dime he has in order to afford a place, and my mom has also asked him to get his child support ajusted because he isn’t making as much as he used to. But Pat will never do it and my sister will never stand up for herself and for Marie.

She’d rather be kicked out with him then deal with the real issue and it irks me to the core. But that’s what’s been going on in a nutshell…I need a new family….

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November 19, 2008

ryn….i had an even more naughty dream this morning:P and more drama, not suprising:P Its not like they are living in a wisconsin winter, so i dont see any reason why they shouldnt be kicked out.

November 23, 2008

ryn, i try to make sure to listen when she talks about things she wants.. that way i always have ideas

November 24, 2008

Unfortunately we never see out our mistakes until its usually too late. Family is the hardest to watch spiral, because we love them and want the best for them. But we dont always know what the best is for everyone ELSE, only for ourselves. Maybe what shes the best at is being a mother to a child who is obviously going to need someody there to love her that much! You never know until you let it go.

November 24, 2008

RYN: yes it did make me incredibly happy and it also made me excited and it made me very very cautious and want to take things very slowly. BUT fortunately, i think he feels the same way i do and respects that i feel that way, so we are working with each other and its fantastic!

November 25, 2008

RYN: Thats basically exactly what happened! There really isnt much more to expound on. Fortunately its over, and i dont really have to worry or think about it anymore! 🙂 Happy holidays to you too though, and i hope things are getting better with your sister, i know its frustrating. Hows the baby stuff coming along?

November 25, 2008

That sounds just awful. I love it when people blatantly make terrible life decisions that even a three year old could have told them to avoid. We’re all just craving self-destruction, no?