Bad Feelings

I had a great New Years, my friends and I went downtown and hit up Buckhead’s. They had free food from 7-9, open bar from 7-8, free New Years favors, and a toast at midnight. I had way too much to drink but I didn’t really feel it. I think my tolerance has gone way up ever since I started drinking every Thursday with my friends. Boo it is way too expensive to drink!! But it was well worth it!!

The next day I had to work and I was so unmotivated. Ugh I hate having to work on the holidays. It makes me want to find a real job. But alas my school is screwing me over. I am supposed to graduate this spring and now they changed the prereq for the last psych class I need. So I wrote an e-mail to about 5 people asking if they could get me into this stupid class I need. If they don’t let me take it I’m going to just drop my minor for now and when I go to grad school (crosses fingers) I can always pick up the extra couple classes I need and get my minor. At least your credits never go away…it just sucks that I have to do all this for a stupid minor. The worst part is I already took this class for my sociology major and the psych dept. refused to let me use those credits towards their stupid degree. I have had nothing but problems with them. They are simply unwilling to work with students. If I knew this I would never have gone into psych at UWM. I would have said **** it.

Then I made the mistake of going on Facebook and looking up people I went to high school with. This always makes me depressed. So many of them are getting married, already graduated, have real jobs with saleries, have gone places, done some crazy fun things…ect ect ect.

To make matters even worse my sister is getting married, and my other sister is already married and has a baby. I know I shouldn’t compare myself to other people…but I feel so behind everyone…I hate this feeling. 🙁

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January 3, 2008

RYN- I know! I have avoided looking up people from high school on Facebook. Just going to my 10 year reunion was enough of a smack in the face. I’m the oldest and both my sisters are married with kids and careers. I know how much it sucks.

January 3, 2008

eh yeah i had a renunion of sorts with lots of people from various levels of school from grade school on up (6 of us from 8th grade of like 30 in the class) Most of them are all doing better than me with jobs and wives and gfs too. So I kinda felt like that too but I dunno we can only be ourelves too. And yeah I’m kinda scared to go to uwm, it seems like they definitely dont have their

January 3, 2008

Sh** together even just applying there for an undergrad degree was a massaive adminstrative nightmare and why i ended up going to matc to begin with….So good luck with it, hopefully u can just get done with it as soon as possible, and eh if u can still graduate just without the minor this year then thats not that big of a loss, like u said u can always get it later.

February 11, 2008

Glad you had a great new years, dude! 😀 And gosh!! You’re 23. Why’d you wanna get married yet? Getting married at 23 is sooooo last century, yo! 😀 x

Happy Valentine’s Day…I hope you’ve been well. *HUG*

February 19, 2008

I totally agree with the last person…I just turned 23, and I am SOOO far away from getting married, not to mention having kids! I have a bf, but pppfff who wants to get married now? We got tooo much stuff to do lady! We gotta go live in a foreign country and date beautiful native boys, and dance under exotic stars…come on girly, they already gave up their lives…thats all they’r ever gonna do