through closed doors.
How many times have I closed the door to you
how many times have I hid behind fake smiles
sometimes I feel like I am back in higschool…the drama, the giddiness and the fact that I feel so lonely sometimes…
now the doors that I closed so many times to so many people are hard to open, and although the friendships are there, I am excluded by default, they know I am not one to seek their company…
but I hunger for the intimate chats and the laughter and the bonds, I am sick of hiding, of excluding myself.
And I look at the ones I love, to all the ones I love, and how independent they all are, how free and how growing…I feel left behind, forgotten, childish and arrogant.
depresion has been eating at me lately.
I miss home, I feel vague and lost and stupid.
I am burning out on myself, and I am back in the past 6 years ago, in forgeign land, full of anger and hate, full of sadness and I wonder what all these years have been for.
Sorry you feel behind and shut out. I tend to feel that way at times. RYN: Thanks for the note! I like OD. The only problem I had was last year. As I mentioned in my False Accusations entry (when I edited it), a read lefts a note saying that writing is lying, and falsely accusing me of judging him. I replied saying that if he had a problem with my entries, then don’t read.
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