that’s the way the cookie crumbles…
Well, today is turning out to be very interesting. So, I have gone back to plan A. I will go to Techbuy, and get myself a computer, and an Android cell. Why do I need another phone? I like my sister’s A13. I would like to get one. ^^ Then, I can use my iPhone for the Libre system, and use the A13 as a fun phone for gaming and for Snapchat and for FB (yes i am still on that infernal network *sigh*) and… well.. if they don’t have the phone, I will just buy the computer and take my sisters out to Tim’s. I am thinking of ordering a white 3ds on Amazon with a 64 g memory card. Now, I know that y’all are like…. wtaf??? I am like the asexual version of the Lawnmower Man… lmao!! I live in cyberspace. And I ain’t shitting ya either. LOL Some people like to buy clothes or what have you… I love me tech.
So, I think I will do that. Mmkay?
Gods, I think that I might have to reset the old beatup 2DS XL for Julz… yes, she is inheriting my old Asus AND the 2DS XL. But I will jailbreak it when I get mine so I can jailbreak mine as well. I hear ya .. what about getting a Switch, well.. tbh… I’m not fond of them. The games are ridiculously priced, there is a fecking Switch 2 coming out! And I just don’t like that it does not have cameras. Cos I like the pictures that come out of that thing. The other thing I was thinking about is a PS Vita. I know that this is (partially??) obsolete but. Feck! The stupid Sims 2 is or was once obsolete and now lookit! It’s coming back! I’m not sure… I play more 3ds games but I like the vita’s camera. DX
What do y’all think? The 3DS? The Vita? That I’m crazy? All 3? (lol)
Tell me in the comments. XD
I like to play SimCity BuildIt on my cell phone.
@ews I’ve never tried that one. Might have to. ^^
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I do appreciate having my Switch because I can access some games that I can’t on the PlayStation, but I can’t bring myself to recommend it. The controls are abysmal and it’s just generally less powerful than other systems. I’ve been flirting with the idea of a gaming PC, but it’s hard to justify since I already have a PS5 *and* a Switch and I don’t really have that much time for gaming anyway. Maybe when I graduate I’ll buy one for all my new free time haha
@sourapple OMG yes. I am looking to buy a gaming computer. I have myself a 2DS XL… but I’m also thinking about getting another one.
The only PS system that I like is the Vita. :3
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RYN: lol, yeah, it can be tough to get motivated. but for me incorporating it into my routine has been the key and the fact that I just feel better every day that I’ve done it. I think my legs are too long for most of the elipticals I’ve tried because they always make me feel like I’m cutting my own personal “RPM’s” short, or something, lol. I don’t know.
video games are awesome, btw, I’m a big Zelda fan myself.
@squidobarnez Well, I can look up stuff to do on Pinterest.
And yes, video games are cool. I liked the NES version of Zelda and also the Minish Cap? *swing low, up high* lolol
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