200. My name is:
Sammy, Sambuca, Sam, plus some other less nice ones… take your pick.
199. I was born on:
198. I am a:
crazy bitch.
197. My hair color is:
dark auburn
196. My eye color is:
green-blue-grey (hazel?)
195. My shoe size is:
7 1/2 or 8.
194. My ring size is:
no clue tbh
193. My bra size is:
Wouldn’t y’all like to know? (34C)
192. My height is:
191. I am allergic to:
The usual suspects… pollen, smoke, stupidity, Conservatives, politics in general.
190. I live in:
189. The last three books ya read:
1) Strange Sally Diamond
2) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
3) Photography for Dummies. (lolol)
188. My bed is:
a Ghost bed. ghostbed dot ca.
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is:
I’m glad I’m not one of ’em.
186. I am glad I’m my sex because:
Idk… wtaf? Who wrote this????
184. My Best friends are:
listening to music with me… Lisa Loeb.
181. Three things I can never resist are:
Pizza (I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like), crisps, and pickles!
179. My favorite pajamas are:
probably my tshirt pjs
178. A perfect kiss is:
not sloppy.
177. The last three CDs I bought are:
Dude, I haven’t bought a CD since the early teens. (2010-2020)
176. Last song that made me cry was:
Songs don’t make me cry, ppl do.
173. I could not live without:
Bees, Julz and my tech. ^^
172. My most treasured possession is:
My HP Omen :3
170. What did you do last night:
Sleep, and then play Tomodachi Life…. and try the eff to figure out my hair downloads for the Sims 3.
169. The funniest quote I know is:
Anything by Emo Philips. That guy is really effed up.
168. The quote that sums it all up for me is:
“I’m not rude. You’re just insignificant.”
167. My skin’s reaction to the sun is (tan/burn):
I’m a redhead, so any interaction with Mr. Sun, ends up horrible. (Jeffy knows what I mean! Holla fellow redhead!!!)
-I Do/Do Not Believe in-
142. Love at first sight?
141. Luck?
Yes, please.
140. Fate?
139. God?
I believe there is something there
138. Aliens?
Sure. All that space, what an awful waste if it’s just us out here.
137. Heaven?
136. Hell?
Just the man-made varieties
135. Ghosts?
Yes, I believe in the afterlife.
134. Horoscopes?
Yes. FYI: Cancer sun, Sagittarius ascendant + moon, Gemini in Venus, and Leo in Mars. Scorpio in the 12th house and Aries in Chiron.
133. Soul Mates?
-Which is Better?-
129. Hugs or Kisses:
Depends on who I’m hugging and/or kissing.
128. Drunk or High:
Um, neither? I’ve been both… and I’m not impressed.
127. Phone or Online:
How about telepathy?
126. Guys/Girls with/without Hats:
125. Blondes or Brunettes:
Blonds or redheads. ^^
122. Guys with/without Facial Hair:
That depends on the guy.
120. Night or Day:
119. Oranges or Apples:
Neither. Ick.
118. Curly or Straight hair:
Straight, I have wavy hair, so I like straight, getting gum outta wavy/curly hair is the worst!!
-Here’s What I Think About… –
116. Abortion?
115. Backstabbers?
Have you met my relatives??
110. School?
109. America?
Is in the hands of a madman. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I know I am. And I don’t live there!!!
107. Love?
yes pls
106. Friends before Love:
-last time i…
105. Took a Shower:
About an hour ago
104. Talked on the phone:
103. Kissed someone:
102. Hugged someone:
101. Seen someone I haven’t seen in a while:
100. Drove:
95. Grew:
What? Hair, height? What?? (to those in the back giggling: Fermez-la!)
91. I always ask:
“Pourquoi? (why)”
90. The dizziest person I know:
Probably G.T.
89. The one person (people) who make me laugh the most is:
Bees, Julz, Pinky, C.B. to some degree.
88. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with?
I lust for Leo DiCaprio.
87. One thing I’m pissed about right now is:
bath sched.
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was:
Um, It: the Next Chapter.
82. The thing I dont understand is:
Trump. And Canadian politics. Like who in their right mind would vote for Pierre Poilievre????
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I’ve ever received is:
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is:
Can’t pinpoint just one thing.
78. This week I am:
Keep calm… and continue playing the waiting game.
76. This Summer vacation I am:
Hey, I’m always on vacation!
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
I’ve already done that.
-The thing that I’m looking forward to the most about…-
73. Tomorrow:
Waking up and knowing that I have another chance
72. Today:
Dinner: fish & chips!! Yum!!
71. Next Summer:
Nothing… my birthday??? It’s going to be murderously hot.
70. Next Week:
67. People call me:
A lot of things… some good, some bad. None of it is for your eyes.
66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is:
65. The person I had the longest on-going relationship with is:
Greg Ryder. I was with him from 1987-1996? I was engaged to him. (long story short: foster mum broke us up.)
64. The person I have been friends with the longest is:
Bees (since 1997)
62. The person (people) who know(s) the most about me:
Bees and Julz
61. The person who can read me the best is:
60. The most difficult thing to do is?
Wake up completely while lying wrapped in soft warm blankets on a cold morning
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket?
58. I have the following siblings:
1 sister (Marie – older) and 1 brother (also older) on dad’s side. 4 brothers (all younger) on mum’s.
57. My favorite people are:
Bees and Julz
56. My zodiac sign is:
Cancer. I told you this. <3
55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is:
It was the above-mentioned Greg. I blame hormones, those traitorous lil sons of bitches
53. The one person who can’t hide things from me:
52. the person I find myself spilling my guts to is:
Bees and Julz
51. Right now I am talking to:
48. I have a job at:
Nothing and Nowhere
47. I have these pets:
I’m a rabbit mum. <3 When I sub, I will show you pics of Leo. <3
46. I wish I was:
somewhere a bit warmer…
45. The worst sound in the world is?
Me screaming and fighting
44. The person that makes me cry the most is:
43. The best shoulder to cry on is:
Attached to someone who truly wants to comfort me. -_-
41. I almost died when:
I got hit by that car. And the pool incident. And that one time when I… oh well, let’s just leave it at that, shall we?
39. My boy/girlfriend is:
Tate <3
34. My favorite state?
Er… Maryland? My favourite province is Nova Scotia. <3
33. My favorite piece of clothing is:
32. My favorie sport to play is:
tackle football. rAWr.
30. The last time I cried was:
the other day…
29. What am wearing right now is:
a white tee, some Canadian Cancer awareness pj bottoms, and green socks. ^^
28. The school I go to is:
The School of Hard Knocks
27. The last person I pissed off was:
26. My worst drinking experience was:
I blacked out after having 2 beers, 7 shots of B-52s and 2 Killer Kool-Aids.
24. The last movie I watched was:
I told you.
On vid: The Gatekeeper on YT.
22. The all-time best movie is:
Revenge of the Nerds, Breakfast Club, Rocky?
21. The all-time best thing in the world is:
knowing that you are loved.
19. The most annoying thing ever is:
mixed messages
17. I lose all respect for people who:
are Trump supporters.
16. The movies I have cried at are:
Just Titanic. <3 I swear that man has killer cheekbones.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was:
Ha, take your pick. I’ve been hurt so many times it’s not freaking funny.
10. My favorite phrases:
‘Seriously?’ ‘Whatevs’
9. My room is full of:
books, various electronics, junk (lol) my modem, Julz’ laptop…
8. My favorite celebrity is:
Leo DiCaprio. I call him Mr. Sexy for a reason you know!!
7. My favorie cliche is:
Haha let’s not go there.
6. My downfall is:
Not for public eyes
5. My weakness is:
pizza, kind words and gestures, simming (tumblr: kittenklawz dot tumblr dot com~~)
4. What turns me on is:
Skill and sensitivity w/ a lil dominance thrown in
3. I want this to end because:
I’m tired as hell. Wait a second! Want WHAT to end..?! o_O
2. I filled out 200 questions because:
Um… tree pretty, fire bad?
1. Was it fun?
You bet! lmfao
LOL I got this from a really old site on gifcities dot org. Heh.
Feel free to swipe!
this survey is some deep ship my friend LOL
@kaliko doooooooooooooooooo it Kat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just finished Strange Sally Diamond! It was so good!
@queengloom I’m about halfway thru.
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Wow looong but good survey
@pianogirl58 Yupp. <3
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