so.. here i be.

I’ve decided to stay bc I found Jeffy and Bronner and maybe Cath (darkmadonna)? And some new faces too. Right now, I’ve got Foster the People’s Pumped up Kicks in my head… it’s funny how 90’s music gets stuck in my head easily – same with the 80’s, like Tears for Fears? Yeah. :3 I find that the older I get, the music and culture I grew up with, give me a big case of the feels.

I’m just vibing to the song. Gonna watch Mickey 17 tonight. It should be good, seen bits of it, am I just hallucinating or is that R-Patz in the lead?? He sure looks like him! Dang. And you know, Chris O’Connell is back. I haven’t seen him in ages… not since Fried Green Tomatoes at least. Heh. I’m old. How do I know all this hot goss? I subscribe to the Hollywood Reporter. Ha.

Julie is home from her Swiss Chalet dinner. I had Italian sausages, broiled cabbage and asparagus spears for supper which while not as delish as SC… still is good. 🙂 

It is St. Pat’s day, and I’m about 89% or so Irish and British too… ha… so, kiss my bum, I’m Irish!! (lol)

It is also my mum’s bday. Joy. More on that later.


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