
Ok, so… I was talking to… (or at if you will…. idk about her sometimes. I don’t think she really “hears” me.) my worker and she is dead set against getting a new 2DS which really sucks, but she wants me to budget until I can get a public trustee. Um… and trust me when I say that I need one bc I am so not good at managing money. But one thing I will get before I do get a PGT, I will subscribe to Open Diary again. IMO, I think that it’s a good investment?

Today was my free day, no bath or anything. I just chillaxed. My 2DS is royally fucked. It’s giving the “battery depleted” red light, but still plays normally regardless!! WTAF???? Is it possessed?? I’m not complaining though. Heh. 😀 It doesn’t cut out … like at all! I watched The Gatekeeper, and a bit of Mommy on Creepy Popcorn on YT today. I also played the Sims 3 but I figured out that my mods and CC were not showing up in the game, so I just re-installed it-a fresh start, y’know??

Otherwise, everything is ok. I am having my bath, but that is it and also tomorrow is Friyay! As Bees says “It’s Friday! Time to party!” Ha! But gosh only 11 more days until I get my HP Omen. I am going to meet Damian at the library. It’s not open (the library) at least maybe it is? For the longest time the damn thing was closed Mondays… but they might be open. Lemme check non? Yeah. It never is open then, so it will be very quiet … well as quiet as it can get with us birds chattering away!! Bees will probably ask the poor guy if he has heard of Duck Dynasty…. 😅😅😅😅 Julie might want to test it before he leaves. Bc my besties are invested fully into each others wellbeing. We three are one. <3

Oddly enough that fits perfectly. Bees is a Scorpio, I am a Cancer and Julie is a Pisces… although I act mostly like my ascendant Sagittarius will are always putting their feet in their mouths… bc we can’t stfu (or lie very good ffs!). 😀 😀 😀

But anyways, I want to test out the Sims 3. You can get a taste of my sims stuff at muted dot altervista dot org. 🙂

Guten nacht,




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4 days ago

I had to look up 2DS to find out what it was. You are SOOO techy!  I’m lucky if I can get my iphone to do what I want it to, let alone sophsticated systems like that!

4 days ago

@ghostdancer Haha Cass!! Ikr?? I have an iPhone too. 🙂

4 days ago

@kittenklawz Sisters in Suffering …

4 days ago

@ghostdancer I’m always saying this stuff to Android users… “Look for it in the App store” or vice versa… *headdesk*

4 days ago

@kittenklawz There’s an Android app store.  I used it all the time when I had an Android smart phone (which I wish I still had!)

4 days ago

Regardless what your worker says you as an adult should get your video game thingy if you want your an adult. I just wrote a new entry check it out

4 days ago

@pianogirl58 Eh. It doesn’t matter bc my 2ds sorted itself out lol