My housemate decided to debut his drag last night, and I said I’d go out with him if he did. There was no way I was letting a baby-drag on her debut walk to the valley and back by herself, especially since someone got stabbed in the valley last night!
To cut a long story short, he had a great time. I had a lame time! My god, I did not want to be there at all. It was dead and I was sober, and the place seemed to be full of muscled-up straight guys and some guy said to me on the dancefloor stage, "You’re doing well to avoid me." And I was like, "umm, yeah!" I was just not in a mood to be out, but my care factor for my housemate’s safety outweighed my discomfort.
I actually spent most of my time the on my phone on facebook chatting to Darin lol. You know I’m having a shit night if I’m resorting to that 🙂 I’m thankful however that the data finally got transferred to my new provider.
Turns out Pixie didn’t need me as a bodyguard. She had a great time, and was very popular, with people asking her for photos everywhere she was. She disappeared quite a few times, and I ended up deciding I was going. When I was outside, she found me, and we ended up walking back home together anyway when I said I was going and asked if she’d be okay.
He thanked me for coming with him. Really, he was fine though.
Goddamn, linking photos from a tablet seems to be impossible! Will have to later.
Ok now that I’m on the laptop, I can upload. Considering my housemate hadn’t even heard of RuPaul’s Drag Race before he moved in here, to go from that, to this is amazing haha.
You both look great! <3
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Cute pix
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Awe, so cute. Glad one of you had a good time.
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cute!! what a good friend. 🙂
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That’s an awful evening.
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