
 I saw the movie "Mental" today with my friend and ex-housemate Ryan.  I’d seen the trailer for it, and thought it looked terrible, but a friend had seen it and quite liked it, so we decided to give it a go.  I didn’t recognise any of the other films on the screen and Ryan studied film etc and we both like to support Australian films.

Turns out it’s one of the best Aussie films I’ve seen!  It’s so different a concept for a film and it has such a positive message.  The trailer doesn’t do it justice!  I guess I am a massive Toni Collette fan and I’m a big Sam Clark fan also (and he gets naked in the film woooo! haha)

So glad I saw it.  Even Ryan whispered to me during it, ‘This film is amazing!’

So good!

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October 23, 2012

RYN: My secret is I keep sleeping with them until eventually one doens’t go away.

October 26, 2012
