
I haven’t abandoned my log, I’ve just been desperately busy keeping up with all the work on the Station. There’s no two ways about it, we just don’t have enough staff.

Sisko’s mother has been ill, and my father at the same time. It helps that they’re both at the same outpost – we were able to visit them both at the same time.  But their ages and their deteriorating health makes it look as though they’re less and less likely to come and stay at the Station.

We had a visit from the Nagus, which was interesting. I have to say that I’ve honestly never met anybody like him! (though, I can’t help it, the only person that comes to mind is, as always, Tosk. I knew she was a breadfan, which always made me suspicious as to her motivations for befriending me.)  I searched all my data-banks, and realised that if you’re not that way inclined (motivated by money) you just tend not to hang around those kind of people. (And equally, those kind of people, when they see there’s nothing in it for them, avoid folks like us.)


So this is for the Nagus and all his Ferengi friends out there:


I have to admit to preferring the Metallica version, but the only video I could find with good sound really isn’t a video:



Wow, listening to this really takes me back – we listened to 20th Century Heavy Metal earth music in the ghettos on Bajor – they strengthened our resolve to fight!

Sisko and I are gearing up for a recreational trip to Risa. I wouldn’t exactly call it a vacation, as we’re having to take the Ferengis.

We’ve been looking at the Federation Archives of the era of Jonathan Archer (Enterprise series 4). I just have to mention what fantastic episodes "In a Mirror Darkly" parts I and II are! And we were looking at series 5, but alas the Archive is incomplete. Who do we need to speak to to get that sorted, I wonder? I hear that there’s some work going on to update the Archive for the Kirk era, though. I have mixed feelings about that, especially with the casting, but we’ll look forward to seeing how that works out.

See you when we get back from Risa!


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