VMK Kingdom Hearts – Chapter 7


As they walked down the corridor, after defeating the giant Stone Guardian, they continued down and noticed the walls, which were still lit by torches, but were light gray, and had strange designs on them. This passage was much shorter, as they could already see light at the end. " I wonder what is going to be at the end of this one. " said Greg, seeing the light. " I dont know, but if it’s anything like the giant, we better be ready. " said Sam. Sam had gotten some minor bruises from the previous fight, and he was limping a little.

They reached the end of the tunnel and it was a room not much different than the previous. It only had a bottom floor, and the sides were not cut off. Also to their relief, they were alone. " Phew..Nothing to worry about here. Lets keep moving. " said Capt. They took a few steps toward the middle of the room. " Not so fast. " said an unknown voice. They froze. In the middle of the room, a pitch black portal appeared, and out stepped a figure in a long black coat who had long, shiny blonde hair. " Hello. Sam..Greg..Capt. " said the figure. Instantly the three drew their keyblades. " You! " Greg accused. " Your one of those hooded guys from Town Square that set those Heartless on us! " he said. " Now, now, no need to be so harsh. We were only doing our jobs. " the figure said. " Who are you anyway? " Capt demanded. " Name’s Vexen, and you, are a big threat to the Organization. Organization XIII is our group name if you didn’t know already. But you see, I’ve been given these orders to eliminate you and orders are orders so… " Vexen got a serious look on his face, and a large blue and white spiked sheild appeared in is hand.     " This is the end…ehahaha… " And so, the fight began.

(now would be the time to hit play on the music player below)

Vexen’s sheild glowed a light blue, he lifted it up and smashed it down, creating a huge explosion of ice. Not hitting the the three, but knocking them back a fair distance. He picked his sheild from the ground, leaped at them, swiping and thrusting. Ice flew everywhere. The trio were able to dodge but Vexen was getting tired of this. " Your pretty quick! But can you handle..this…?! " He stopped in his place, closed his eyes, and the sheild had started to glow again, it kept glowing, and they knew something bad was coming. " Guys we’ve gotta stop that! " Sam yelled. They charged with their keyblades.

Just when they were about to connect, Vexen opened his eyes, and KA-BOOM!!!!! A giant explosion of ice erupted from his sheild. This threw Sam, Greg, and Capt back flying and spinning. They landed laying on the floor with a crash. "

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 " Ehahaha. See what happens when you mess with the Organization? " Vexen laughed. He walked over to them  and raised his spiked sheild over them, ready to strike. " Goodbye. " he said with an evil smile. Just before he was about to strike, there was a crash, a giant hole in the wall was blown out  and in comes nobody, but Amber, weilding keyblade and ready to fight.

" Don’t. You. DARE. " She said with a perplexing look in her eyes. Vexen was dumbstruck. " What?! YOU! HOW?!? " He said still not believing. " Captain Blackheart was weak when it was keyblade vs. cutlass. I got out of there quick and came to rescue my friends, and it looks like not a minute too soon. Now..Are you going to fight or just sit there and look like an idiot?! " She said, raising her blade.

" Fine. I guess I’ll finsish what that blundering excuse for a pirate couldn’t do for myself! " Vexen said, gripping his sheild tight. Sam, Greg, and Capt had just regained consiousness and were amazed to see their freed friend. They were too weak to move but they decided to watch the showdown from where they were.

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They charged at each other. They clashed, and stayed there in the middle of the room, trying to overpower each other. Finally they broke off, and stared fighting a true fight. They stood at sword’s length, clashing, swinging, and swiping, hoping the other would make the tinyest mistake and then that person would take their opening. Amber was sharp, she didnt fault. But Vexen fought dirty. He blocked with his sheild, then used his free hand to shoot a small amount of ice at Amber, knocking her down. He then seized his oppertunity, and tried to smash her with his large sheild, but she rolled out of the way.

Amber quickly took her chance and whacked Vexen in the neck, which stunned him back like a stick and made him drop his weapon. She then nailed him hard in the chest, knocking him onto his back. Greg, Sam, and Capt were amazed at this. Amber had a rage in her eyes, she back some distance away from Vexen, took a stance, ready for the final strike, and just as Vexen got to his feet, he stopped Amber, holding out his hand. " ..Wait… " He said weakly. " I can tell you…what is happening..to VMK.. " Vexen said. Amber was curious now, she lowered her blade. " Talk. " she said.

" We are called Organization XIII. We are born of darkness, we thrive on it. We have never been given a chance, by either the light or the dark, to exist. For that we decide nobody can be happy. That is why, we take over worlds, and shroud them in darkness, such, as what is happening to VMK now. Then, as Amber, Sam, Greg, and Capt we registering all this,  another dark portal appeared between them.

(stop the player)

Out stepped another person in a black coat, this one had long, spikey red hair. Almost like fire. " Vexen! " the figure said. " What are you doing!? Telling them our entire plan?! " he said angirly. The figure looked at Amber with harsh, firey eyes, then back at Vexen with a somewhat, solemn look. " I didn’t wanna have to do this, but, you’ve revealed to much Vexen. " He snapped his fingers, and as horrific as it really was, Vexen burst in to flames. Vexen screamed and yelled from the pain, rolling around, the flames wouldn’t stop. But they did turn black. He was fading away. At last, his scream’s faded, and the last thing to go was his sheild that just combusted into small shards of ice.

The figure muttered some words to himself. " Vexen – Eliminated " He turned to Amber, Greg, Sam, and Capt. " You four..you will not be able to stop the Organization. Your day will come soon. " He disappeared into a black portal without another word. " Well he was scary " Sam said. " I know.. " said Greg, a little spooked. " Lets get out of here. " said Amber. And so, they started walking back through the hallway that they came through. Processing all of the events that had happened, and what might occur next.


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November 10, 2008

come onnnn write more….. plz?? =p @_@