VMK Kingdom Hearts – Chapter 6


They walked through the dark corridor, only illuminated by torches, and sound only of their echoing footsteps. Nothing at all, they were frightened by the silence. But they had to save Amber from the clutches of Captain Blackheart. They had to. " This is waaay too quiet..I can only hear my own footsteps for so long. " said Greg, his voice shaking. " We have to save Amber, no matter what the cost is. " said Sam, grasping the handle of his keyblade for whatever lied ahead. " Hey what’s that ahead? " said Capt. pointing to a small light. Hopeful and drawing a little bravery, The three friends drew their blades and and ran towards the end of the tunnel, and they got into the room.

It was a large gray-ish room, much unlike the dark black corridor they just walked. The floor was not completely full, on the sides, it was cut off. and in the back, was a similar platform with a doorway that led to another corridor. There was also a doorway on the bottom level, but what really stood out in this room was the HUMUNGOUS stone giant laying in the center of the bottom level. Sam, Greg, and Capt were in awe.

" What…IS that thing……?! " Capt said, his voice cracking finally to break the silence. Neither of them knew, they just stared. Sam swallowed his fear and cautiously stepped forward, blade held tight. And as he approched it, the room started to rumble. Sam lost his balance and lost his blade in a corner of the room. The room was shaking violently now, Greg and Capt were clinging onto walls. They knew one thing had happened. The stone giant had started to move. Its right knee slowly lifted, then its left, then its right elbow, then its left. After that it felt like the entire room was miniature, and had just had been hit a hammer, as the giant steadied itself on one knee. Another horrific bang, and the giant now towering in all his strength and terror, was on his feet, facing the awestruck Sam, Greg, and Capt.

The Guardian raised a giant fist high in the air, Sam’s eyes widened. The Guardian slammed his fist down with the force of a thousand boulders, but he just barely missed Sam, the force knocked back Sam against the wall near his blade, he picked it up, but how was he going to damage a 5000 foot high stone Guardian? The gears of Sam’s innovative mind began turning franticly. Just then, the Guardian’s fist, turned to spikes make of rock, and he turned his attention to watching Greg and Capt, he shot 6 spikes at them, they rolled out of the way, then they jumped and lunged at the golem’s gigantic foot with their keyblades, " Chink!!! " Absolutely nothing.

" What do we do?!!? " Capt said panicking, he was hacking away at the monster’s foot to no avail. " Chink! Chink! Chink! Chink! Chink! " Sam was still sitting thinking hurriedly. There was a big " SLAM!! " as the Guardian tried to step on Greg, who missed. Sam was really getting desperate for a plan now. He studied the Guardian. It had a picture of a Keyhole on its upper body, just like the one at the door. An idea came to Sam. So crazy it just might work. The Guardian actually JUMPED which as you can probobly guess, smacked Greg and Capt against the wall near Sam like they weighed nothing. " Guys, I have a plan, but its pretty crazy. No matter what, I need you to trust me on this okay? " Sam said. They both nodded in agreement.

" Alright, see the monster’s upper body? " Sam pointed, they looked, and jumped a bit. " Hey, look..its a keyhole…your not actually thinking of………are you?? " said Greg his eyes widening in amazement as Sam nodded with a small smirk. " Okay, heres the plan. What were gonna do, is you guys distract the Guardian, run around him or something, while i climb and run up to the Keyhole and get a good solid whack. " Sam told them as they hid behind a piece of rock from an earlier attack. The Guardian was looking under pieces of rock now and smashing random things, this was going to be tough.

" Are you guys ready? " Sam asked Greg and Capt. " Ready as we’ll every be. " said Greg nervously. They ran in front of the rock they were hiding behind, Sam staying behind, according to plan, and they started waving they’re arms around and yelling. ALSO according to plan. The giant turned, saw them, started shooting spikes which they doged, Sam saw his cue. he pushed over the rock and ran full speed up to the giant. He lunged as high as he could jump, and got up to the toe, this was going to take a while. so Sam decided to get a lift. He started smashing the giant’s foot with his keyblade rapidly, until the giant reached down to flick Sam off, where Sam jumped on his finger. When the giant lifted up his finger, Sam jumped off and clinged on to his chest near the Keyhole. " Dont look down..Dont..look…..down……." Sam kept telling himself. He was so close to his goal. Sam held on to a chipping piece of rock on the giant’s chest, and as hard as he could, whacked the keyhole!

It made a low, faint, ringing sound. And the keyhole was now glowing, still making that ringing sound, the giant, Sam and friends had froze, nobody knew what was going to happen. Cracks started appearing up and down the giant, then it exploded into gravel, with Sam on it. " Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! " he screamed as he fell to the ground in the mass of rubble. Capt and Greg didn’t know where to run, there was gravel falling everywhere and they couldn’t find their friend anywhere. After the rumbling and dust had settled they saw him, sitting on a rock with a few scratches on him and a few bruises, and he was bleeding from the lip. " Sam! Are you alright? " Greg asked franticaly as he helped Sam down from the rock and they walked over near the back corridor entrance. " Yeah i’m okay. A bit shaken, and im aching a little, but otherwise i’m fine. How bout you guys? " Sam asked. " Yeah were fine." Capt answered.    " So I guess we keep going. " said Sam They looked down another dark corridor, for what may lie another dangerous fight ahead. 

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