VMK Kingdom Hearts – Chapter 5



The four friends just stared at the place where the mysterious hooded figures had disappeared. The empty square was silent, other than the breeze. " So, I guess..we won? " Greg asked. " Yeah..but something tells me those guys will be back. " responded Sam. " Sooner than you think! Ahahaha! "  cakcled an unknown voice. Just then, Captain Blackheart swooped in by a hookline and grabbed Amber! AMBER!!! The remaining three called out. Blackheart landed on the upper platform by the railroad tracks. He now had Amber tied up with some rope he had had on his belt, and was holding her by the rope saying " Ahahaha! rescue your friend if you can Chosen ones of the  Keyblade! Ahahaha! " Blackheart then used his hookshot to swoop away, with their beleoved friend with him.

" AMBER!!!!!!!!!!! " Sam and Greg screamed together. " Get back here Blackheart you dirty swine!!! " Capt said angrily. He threw a rock at the place were Captain Blackheart had gone. " It’s no use yelling…She’s gone.. " said Greg. He sat on the ground, and closed his eyes, wondering what to do next. The answer was right in front of him. He out in the distance, and in the foggy gloom of the Pirate Treehouse, you could practically hear the evil laughter of Captain Blackheart.

We have to go to the Pirate Treehouse. That’s where she’s being held. " said Greg. That’s a good guess, Greg but it’s locked with magic remember? How do we get in? " Capt interjected. " Hmm..Maybe the keyblades will be able to help us. " Greg said. " Its wotth a try. " said Sam. And so off they went, mindless as you may think it, straight into the lions den, to the Pirates Treehouse.

When they got there it was like it was nightime. Even though in the rest of VMK, it was morning. Clouds and darkness were swirling all around the treehouse, it was a very ominous sight. At the door, there was a sparkly dark blue barrier that formed the shape of a keyhole. They couldn’t see anyway past this, but the obvious. Greg held up his keyblade lined up with the barrier, and just like they thought it would, something happened. A small ray of light shot from the tip of the blade into the center of the blue keyhole barrier. They heard a low " Ca-Chunk! " and then, the barrier disappeared, allowing access. " I’m not sure if I want to go in… " said Capt, staring up at the darkness, feeling frightened. " We have to save Amber, thats why we’re here. " said Sam, feeling a little scared himself, but not taking his mind off of his captured friend. Sam looked at Greg, who nodded to Sam, then Sam looked at Capt who nodded as well. Then they all looked into the dark corridor that led into the Treehouse. " Lets Go. " said Greg. and they walked in, unaware of the dangers they would soon face.

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November 7, 2008

awesomest chapter everrr!!!! 😀 I feel so gloved ^_^