VMK Kingdom Hearts – Chapter 3


The 5 friends set out across vmk to free the NPC’s. Sam went to the Dragon. Amber went to The Haunted Mansion. Azam went to Shurnken Ned, Greg went to the Yeti and Capt went to Esmeralda.

Sam: "..Just a turn there and a push there…" *CLANK!* "Yes! I got the lock open! Now I can free the Dragon!" Sam walks inside the Dragon’s cave.There was a mask over the Dragon’s mouth and nose so it was having trouble breathing. Sam finds a long metal stick laying on the ground.With it,He cranks off the mask."ROAR!!!."The dragon roared thankfully.It then pointed twoward a strange mark on the wall.It was a Jolly Rodger Flag. Sam took it and went on.

Amber: "Wow.The entrance to the mansion is blocked with alot of wood." she said.She sees a broken marble gravestone."Well…I hope nobody minds if I do this…" She takes the biggest broken part and smashes it against the wood.Both statue and wood break.Amber walks in."Oh what a glourious day! said the thankfull Phinieas."Hoorah! Were saved!" shouted the very happy Erza."Well done Miss Amber."Thanked Gus."And Congrats on being so skilled at our ghost catching game." he commented."Are you guys OK?" asked Amber."Just fine.We were scared until you came along.And were ghosts!" said Erza."Although there is this one strange thing."Gus said.He pointed at another Jolly Rodger flag.Amber picked it up and looked at it."hmmm.I better tell the others about this." She put the flag away and ran out of the Mansion.

Greg : "Okay…Im at the Yeti cave,the entrance is blocked by lots of layers of snow." Greg saw a lit explorers lamp.He picked it up,opened it and used the small flame to make ahole big enought to get in."Uh…A little help?"The Yeti was hanging 3 feet over a big pot of molten lava."Sure hold on one sec!" said Greg.He knew that if he touched the pot his hands would burn,So instead he found a rope hanging from the roof.(The yeti wanted to swing into some ice blocks) Greg swung from the rope and kicked away the lava knocking it over a ledge."Thanks!" said the Yeti."There is that flag over there…"He pointed to ANOTHER Jolly Rodger."Its the weirdest tihng I ever….THAW! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" said the Yeti. Greg grabed the flag and ran off so he would not listen to another one of the Yeti’s bad jokes.

Capt: "Closed due to capture of storekeeper eh? " Capt said as he read the sign on the front door of the empourium. Capt saw that the door was locked 17 times and there was no way to open it. Capt went to the TomorrowLand Hub. Capt used the teleporter to get in and he saw Esmeralda hanging upside down above a pool of hungry hippos."I didint predict this! Help me Capt!" cried Esmeralda. Capt used some mice to bait the hippos away.Just enough time for him to untie Esmeralda."Oh Bless you Capt!" said Esmeralda as she gave him a hug."Oh by the way.I found this in my item storage."She gave a Jolly Rodger to Capt."Thanks.I will se what I can find out about this."Said Capt as he unlocked the door and exited the shop.

Everyone had rescued the NPC’s.They had all headed back to the meeting point at Town Square. "Ok so what your all saying is when you rescued an NPC they gave you a Jolly Rodger flag?" Sam began.Everyone agreed."On my way to the Empourium I passed the Pirate Treehouse.It was locked with magic and I could hear evil laughter coming from inside." Said Capt."Hmm strange" said Sam. "We’ll have to check this out. "But how do we rescue Captain Blackheart if its locked by magic?" asked Amber. ???: "You don’t without my help!" Suddenly somebody came jumping way up high,high enough to jump over the Empourium and landed kneeling at our feet.He had on a black cloak,big round ears and some kind of sword.He got up,Pulled back his hood and it was of all people,King Mickey!

" Wow! Its the King! " said Sam. " Yes. We dont have time for talking right now. The heartless will be attacking soon." said Mickey. " Heartless? " asked Greg. Suddenly, a dark shadowy portal appeard under Mickey and he said before he fell in: " Amber,Sam.Capt and Greg! Fight the darkness! We will see each other again……… "
Just like that,he and the portal vanished.But then, another figue in a black cloak appeared.He was taller and had a deeper voice." The heartless are shadows. Lost souls without hearts.They crave darkness so they steal other hearts,turning more and more into one of them.In fact,Why dont you meet them?! " the figure vanished.But suddenly 10 creatures surrounded them.They were small creatures. they had claws, were completely black and had yellow glowing eyes. The strange swords that Mickey had appeard in all of their hands. " This looks like a key… " said Capt. too himself. " and so the battle started.

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