
It’s held in my palm

The secret of the stars

Hidden away behind miles of sea

All I can find is scars.

Your petty wars, your great feats

Lost somewhere in this maze

The answer we’ve been searching for

Have I become obsolete?

Sitting at the door at the world terminus

Watching existence soar by

I wonder if I’ll be let in

I wonder if I could fly.

Wrapped in an ocean of starry blue

Falling forever into the mist of the past

Eons blinking at me

I hope I’m not there last.

Holding onto a guard rail for support

My time fades away

Somehow I feel relieved

I never realized how much it weighed

Lying in a dimension of forgotten promises

My eyes slowly close

What I needed, wasn’t truly in it

I haven’t got one of those.

An immense glacier drifting into my dreams

Seething memories as it floats

That’s right..I used to have one

It was lost in poison throats

Walking down the staircase

My nightmare grows wider

The bluish glow crawling over it

Like a type of demon spider

Run, run, run..

So very far away

Away from the village of sin, like he told me

But I really wanted to stay.

Sitting on the sand I wonder

when will it open?

My door, my own..

All I hear is thunder.

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February 17, 2012

This one is completely and utterly beautiful. And I’ve been thinking. We should talk sometime. Like actually talk. I’d like to get to know the person behind the poems.

February 17, 2012

Well, are you lame like me and have a life that revolves around Facebook?

February 18, 2012

Reminds me a little of kingdom hearts. It’s a great poem. On another note… I TOLD YOU SO!! 😉

February 18, 2012

I agree. Just look up Casey renee and you’ll find a blond girl from Belvidere.

February 20, 2012

Wonderful poem 🙂 So beautiful

February 21, 2012

Well then how about you give me yours and I’ll find you?

February 22, 2012

Search me again i put my location to public

February 23, 2012

Request sent 🙂