Still they try and break me..


And soon I’ll be alone

The flame goes out,

the air grows cold.

Darkness seethes on my despair,

My emptiness,

my failure.

Let me light up your sky,

and darken your horizon.

Maybe then you’ll know where to go..

These things return to me that still seem real.

No, I’m not all me, so please excuse me while I tend to how I feel.

But will it ever heal?

This void of tried so hard.

But its efforts were in vain..

To the wonderful people:

I’m sorry. And I won’t hold you down anymore.

Still they try and break me..


" They’re off to find the hero of the day…

But what if they should fall to someone’s wicked way? "

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March 21, 2012

Hey Sam, where does “These things return to me that still seem real” actually come from? I feel like I’ve seen/heard it before somewhere else (possibly KH), but I guess maybe you did come up with it…