
My daughter Whitney turned 18 August 28th.  She went for a job interview, not just any interview, but an interview for Cabela’s where I work yesterday.  She of course, rocked her interview and got hired.  They did a drug test, when it comes back negative they will call her in to start.  I am super excited.  Our paths will never cross I am certain, unless we make a point for them to cross, because I have now been moved permanently to the back for In Store Pick-up and major customer problems.  It was where I wanted to be.  I had applied at other Cabela’s and was absolutely ready to move again, because of cost of living.  However, the fact that they give me everything I ask for confirms I am in the right Cabela’s and enjoy where I am at, even more so now that Whitney got hired.  

That could be a choir all in itself, because she does not drive and many days I open and close, but I am certain it will work itself out.  I may have to take my lunch everyday right at the time it is for her to come in so I can go pick her up and drop her off.  She told them she would work overnights, which would work for both of us, and that could also possibly be an option.  They start everyone at a pretty good pay rate, so I am excited to see her getting this job.  It is definitely not minimum wage.  Her check will probably be more than mine each week, because I have insurance and other things taken out of my check.

Yesterday, I took Whitney to her interview, which by the way, she did not get the job because of me.  She had someone interview her that did not know I was her mother, and that was from the Wheeling, WV store, so no bias.  She got the job on her own.  While I was at the motel, one of my managers yelled my name, "Kimberly" and then said, come in the conference room and sit with the cool people.  LOL.  I went in there.  It was a little awkward, they were talking about who they were going to hire, and weren’t, and why or why not, etc.  I am thinking.  My daughter is in an interview.  Then I asked one of the Senior Managers if he could tell me the procedure to Pro Staff (go help a store opening, while they train their outfitters).  I want to go to Waco in October so I can visit family, friends, and so my kids can see my parents.  There were four other people in the room from other stores helping with interviews.  One lady chimed in and explained the procedures.  She is from Dundee, Michigan.  When I told her where I wanted to go, she said, "I know the lady that can get you in."  She e-mailed her right then and there.  She asked my name and I said my first name and started to spell my last name, now mind you — she is from Michigan!  I have never met this woman.  She said, "I am suppose to talk to you."  I’m like, "hmmm, okay. (thinking I never applied at her store for a position)"  I was also thinking I have no clue who this woman is.  She said, "It has to do with Karen"  Okay, now I am freaked out, because Karen is our General Manager.  She then goes, "Oh, you are not on the clock, I will talk to you when you are at work, do you work tomorrow?"  I said, "Yes"

I told her she could talk to me then, but she insisted I should be on the clock.  The did interviews at a golf course/hotel.  So, first of all, I said, "Am I in trouble"  She said, "No, certainly not"  Afterwards, they did a drug test on Whitney confirming she got the position, we went back to Cabela’s.  Guess who I ran into?  Karen (General Manager).  I introduced Karen to my daughter, then said, "Am I in trouble"  She asked me why and I explained.  She said, "You are awesome!  You are not in trouble"  She kept talking to my daughter, saying "Your mom is awesome"  When we left Whitney said, "How many times in one sentence can someone say you are awesome"  She said, "That was cool"  Cool yes, but I still a day later, have not spoke to Angie (from Dundee) and have no clue what this talk was suppose to be about.

Our club manager for Visa sales, came and talked to me today though, and made me feel great.  She said, her and the other managers discussed it and they want me to be in charge of challanges and games (fun) at work to help promote things.  I am super excited and honored that they are giving me this opportunity to prove myself, and what fun it will be!

I know, this is all boring stuff to read, but I want to make notes so I never forget the great feelings I get from people I work with, because all my days are not great, but the last couple have been and I am glad to be a part of the Cabela’s team!

Note for self — My preacher from my old church in Texas passed out at church yesterday.  He is in my prayers. 

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