yeah… everything in my life is AMAZING right now

So, the best things in my life that are happening right now:

1- I’m going back to school, which I’ve wanted to do for the past 2 years!

2- I got a cat, which I’ve wanted to do for a while now too.

3- I get to kliss Dan (ok, and then some. haha) which I’ve wanted to do for 4 years

4- I may be getting a job at a gymnastics center, which I’ve wanted to do for like 5 years now.

I am VERY happy with everything that is going so well for me right now.  Extremely happy.  Dan even noticed how happy I am, we went out for dinner last night and then we watched Rat Race (well, some of it, we got a little distracted partway through though LOL) and then he stayed over, and we tried to sleep but Honey kept waking us up.  And we slept in, then hung out until he had to go to Aikido around 6.  It was NICE.  In any case, at some point (I can’t for the life of me remember quite when) we were talking about how I never thought I had a chance with him in college, because I didn’t think he’d like me.  And he was saying I was pretty sad back then LOL.  At one point though he looked at me and was like, "I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy"  WELL DUH!  He does have that effect on me. 

Yeah I think we have something good starting up.  I’m so worried though about getting attached since he may be joining the coast guard.  I so don’t want him to, since I want to spend time with him and all.  But hey, it’s his life and he’ll make whatever decision is right for him.  It’s that or he may be taking a job at an insurance company.  Which is what I WANT him to do, and I think he may be happiest doing because he could more easily stay with Aikido I bet.

He’s so good for me too, he’s just awesome.  We get along well, and he just has this way of making points that if anyone else bothered to say it to me, I’d get annoyed or defensive, but with him I just don’t.  He’s really observant.  He’s also very caring and gentle.  I really do adore him!  *sigh*  He’s great.


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August 22, 2006

Yeah! how fun to have new things in your life that make you happy!! you know me getting my cat started a year of happiness and i found a great man and have been happy pretty much since so i think it must have something to do with getting kitties!! :o)

August 23, 2006

ur like rockin out on ur life right now arent ya 🙂 That is all awesome sweetie! Whats ur cats name? (honey?)