stupid spider. mmm hm

spider is one of new Mikes nick names.  I figure it’s confusing how new Mike and old Mike are both, well, Mikes.  So I will probably call new Mike Spider or the name he is in my phone under.  Just because.  But my god there’s too many similarities between the two.  TOO many.  I hope I get over the old Mike thing (again) soon.  This numbness needs to go away.

In any case Spider was supposed to come hang out tonight after his grandfathers bday party but I guess the party went longer than it was supposed to.  Which sucks I was hoping seeing him would pull me back into the world I live in now and  take my mind away from the world I’d imagined when I was barely 20.  Hopefully work will help.  Because really, I KNOW old Mike is married so why on earth it feels like new info to me is just baffling to me!

Oh and I’m hoping I like Spider more in person than on the phone, he’s just plain annoying on the phone I swear!  He can be serious for all of like 5 sentences and then he’s all trying to crack jokes and it’s SO ANNOYING!  But hey, whatever.  He’s hot.  I like him face to face.  He wants to take me to dinner.

Tonight I mentioned I was in a bad mood and having a bad day, and I told him I wasn’t going to tell him why over the phone.  I am NOT getting into the whole old Mike story ad heartbreak without something keeping me firmly rooted to reality, or someone as the case may be.  I just need to get back to reality and things will be OK.

I hope.  And I’m going with the tactic of keeping myself busy, and busy with people specifically, until this all blows over.


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