so… ok…

He so likes me.  Yeah, he definitely is actually interested in me.  Which, really, I wasn’t entirely expecting.  Not that this is BAD, just, unexpected and yeah.

So first it was yesterday morning and him being all "Call me later."  So I called him on my lunch break and we chatted a little bit and whatever. So, after that I had no idea when I’d hear from him again or if I’d just see him next tuesday, since I see him every tuesday and all.  Well, then today during lunch he called me!  For no aparent reason, he just had some free time, and called me.  This, I was not expecting.  Now I’m wondering if he’s going to call me tomorrow.  Or if he wants me to call him.  Or what on earth is going on LOL…

Cuz I mean, we had this discussion once how if me and Jeremy broke up I’d probably just date a few people and not get an actual boyfriend.  And he said that’s what he’s doing right now is just sorta seeing some people but not letting anything get too serious.  Now, I know a phone call isn’t anything serious, but it’s more than I was expecting (as i’ve said like 2 billion times now LOL) so yeah, it’s thrown me off just a little.   I was telling one of my friends- I get what I want, and I totally wanted to, ya know, go home with Mike and all on Tuesday.  I just, never figured out what I wanted after that.  It’s been less than a week since even THAT was an option and now, well… we’ll see where it all goes I suppose.

In other news my team won tonight WOOT!  It just sucks that my team always freaking loses on the days I’m hanging out with Yankees fans.  Seriously, tonight my team wins and no opportunity to rub it in anyones face!  SO not fair!

Ok bedtime I suppose, goodnight!


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June 8, 2006


June 9, 2006

cheers for your note girly, you’ve taken a weight off my mind for now 🙂 – Jay x

June 9, 2006

Sounds like he’s crushing on you and all you have to do is stick to what you’ve said before, stick to your guns, and don’t take the initiative in contacting him as much as he does you. He’ll figure it out and it’s gentle that way. I think.

June 9, 2006

😉 hehe just go with the flow hon and see what happens, and have lots of sex