nothing big

There’s nothing really huge going on with me… same shit, different day mostly, except this is the first saturday in a month that I’ve actually been in my own room, my own bed, my own apartment.  It’s pretty nice for a change!

Thursday I started working with my former student again, it’s going to work out really well!  It’s easy because I already know him and understand him.  His family is reallyhappy because I’m trained on him and they can finally use some funding they’ve had available but have been unable to use, because they didn’t have anyone qualified to work with him.   So now they have me, and I can help him out at home but also we can bring him in the community which they’d never be able to do with anyone else.  So that’s really cool.  So besides really liking the kid and being happy that I get to work with him again, I also get $30 an hour for it.  Not a bad deal- I can work with him 3-4 hours a week and get as much as I would working 10 hours a week at some other jobs.   I’m still going to work at the group home, I believe anyways, hopefully 8 hours a week but we’ll see how it goes.  My professor mentioned something about possibly working per diem, not sure what he means by that but I suppose I’ll find out!  I may end up with 8 hours, maybe more.  I’m considering my options, in any case.  It sounds like doing per diem would make it so I wouldn’t have to have one of their usual set shifts, which would make it MUCH easier for me to work there more hours.  Which, I’d like to do, just because I totally need the money.

Last night i did my first passion party but it was REALLY small, my roommate had 2 people who came and none of my people did.  My friend who’s getting me into the business didn’t make it out because she lives like 2 hours away and we weren’t going to have many people, so we’re going to reschedule and have a better one later on down the road in a few weeks- maybe a halloween passion dance party!  We’ll see what happens.  But I did sell a couple of things, and it sounds like people are excited for the next one when we’ll actually get to show them the products.  We’re also thinking of doing the netx one co-ed, which would be pretty cool.

So, that’s what’s been up with me.  Two weeks till I get my Tony up here with me!!!  It’ll only be for 2 short days, but any little bit works.

Time to go be productive!


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