it’s over!

No more work.  No more wedding.  Just relaxing, travelling, getting a cat.  I so want a cat like NOW too, I’m thinking of checking the classifieds while I’m at my parents house, my mom may just have a spare cat carrier around here from when my sisters cat was smaller.  Who knows.

The wedding went pretty well.  Everyone looked amazing, especially my sister.  The ceremony was nice and short, about 15 minutes.  My sisters bouquet was HEAVY it was tough to pass it back and forth!  But we managed.  The reception was fun too, instead of clinking glasses to make them kiss they had people sing songs with the word love.  Well, some of us who’d done Labyrinth as a play in our basement sang the very last one, we had the DJ stop the music and we sang "within you" from Labyrinth and my sister was singing along with us by the end.  It was fun!

I was so exhausted though the whole weekend, I really just wanted sleep!  By the time Saturday morning rolled around I was feeling sick, and slept throught the first 45 minutes of the BBQ we had, which was good since i felt better the whole rest of the day.  I know it wasn’t a hang over though because I woke up with a headache again today, plus I started getting the headache friday afternoon. 

So, I almost thought I’d freaked out Paul friday night when he mentioned he had a date with a woman from the speed dating thing he did, and I told him I wanted to be selfish and hope it didn’t go well.  I really do though, I hope it doesn’t go well!  I like him.  I mean, I used to and haven’t had enough of a chance to find out if I still do or not.  Plus no one will understand the dancing thing who does not dance.  If they don’t have that as a priority, he’s going to have to choose between a relationship or dancing.  That’s not fair.

He should just date me.

In any case his birthday is wednesday, I’ll make sure to call him and wish him a happy b-day of course.  If anyone can think of a cute yet not over the top gift I can give him when I see him thursday please let me know.  I will probably be back here at my parents house for next weekend so I may as well.  He invited me to go out with him and his friends on Saturday to celebrate his b-day, which I will totally do.  His friend will like me, heck I’ve met a good number of them 2 years ago.  His friends will say, "She’s gorgeous!  She dances!  She’s fun!  She likes you!  WHY DON’T YOU DATE HER?"

I hope haha

thats all for now.


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July 25, 2006

A guy who’s got a girl who’s intelligent, gorgeous, fun, can totally dance AND likes you… SHOULD BE DATING SAID GIRL. OMG, why are boys so god damn stupid?