I’m a grad student!

Yup!  It’s official, I am now a grad student!  WOOT!  Orientation was good, classes start tomorrow, and I’m really excited.  It’s looking like the financial aid thing is going to work out, too so all is good.  My program has 12 students, all girls.  We’re all in the same classes at the same times and everything so it’s pretty cool.  I already like my advisor, and at least one of the other faculty members is going to be very helpful, since he’s interested in ABA which is what I did at my old job.

So, this weekend was AWESOME.  I met some really cool people from a swing dance website I sometime post on, my roommates were all really cool (we all dance both west coast and lindy hop, which was real cool)… Unfortunately the only Syracuse dancer who made it out was Paul, I was looking forward to seeing some other SYracuse dancers but oh well.  It was still a good time with the new people I met and Paul.  Paul did REALLY well, too.  It was his first time competing in intermediate in Jack and Jills and he came in 5th.  He also came in 4th in Strictly Swing (J&J you get a random partner, strictly you get to pick your own.  All lead-follow: no routines) He also competed in a Pro-Am where he got to dance (lead-follow) with the wife of the dancer he takes his private lessons with (since ya know, she’s a girl so it makes more sense) and he earned a silver (not a ranking)… basically he had an awesome weekend and I took pictures as much as possible and of course cheered him on.  He really appreciated it since none of his usual people was there and all.  I didn’t make finals- my first dance in prelims sucked, I got this guy who just couldn’t even find the beat and it was pretty bad, so I think that sort of messed up my chances.  Oh well though.

Friday night I was dancing better than I’ve ever danced.  It was pretty awesome, I really had a great time and had to force myself to go to bed at 5(am) because I was getting up for a 10AM workshop.  Saturday was not too bad, but by saturday night I was just dead on my feet and could barely even keep my balance walking,  I was pretty embarrassed by how poorly I was dancing that night but oh well.  All in all it was a great weekend, and I really hope I can make it to the one that’s coming up in September.

Things with Dan are still going really well.  I got to see him tonight, I made him turn around and come back because when he called me after Aikido he was on his way home.  He didn’t remember saying he’d see me tonight.  Either way it worked out and I got to see him, I guess tomorrow he’s going to his moms again and they’re going to scatter his grandmothers ashes. Then he’s coming over wednesday but I’m sure I’ll be exhausted after having class until nearly 10PM, but he’ll stay over weds night and we get to spend like the whole day thursday together.

Oh yeah and tonight I was making fun of him for being a tease, and he said well, he didn’t know what I wanted him to do about that because he didn’t know if I was still setting myself limits.  I was like, no those have gone out the window LOL… He had to go though, and he was like "maybe thursday"

It feels SO WEIRD because ever since I’ve known him he’s been a virgin and I mean it’s not like he was all serious about being one but his reason was always just that he was more or less waiting for the right person… So how I’m suddenly the right person, I have no idea.  Or if he’s just tired of being a virgin, which is possible.  I dunno it’s weird I don’t want to make a big deal over it or anything, it’s just weird because it’s different for him, I dunno how he feels about the whole thing or anything.  For me it’s ya know, old hat.  I dunno, whatever happens happens.

I really do think I’m in love with him. He is so awesome, I can’t even explain it.  Tonight we watched a REALLY bad movie and we just kept laughing at how stupid it was and how bad the lines were, and it’s like now we’ll have the few lines from the movie as inside jokes because I’m sure no one has seen this movie. It’s a sequel to a not-quite-as-bad movie that most people I know have never seen.  But there’s so few people that are happy just laying around laughing at stupid things.

He already refers to himself as my boyfriend.  I even refer to him as my boyfriend.  I’m still completely amazed that this is finally working out for me.

Ok time for sleep!!!  I have class tomorrow.


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August 29, 2006

I hope things keep going this well for you, take care

August 29, 2006

Hooray! My classes start next week though, but I do have orientations and TA trainings this week.

August 29, 2006

you went to bed at 5 in the morning and got up at 10?? oh gosh, i would be deeeeaaaaaaddd. =) I’m glad things are going so well with you and Dan and I hope things continue to go well!! =) ::hugs:: ♥

August 29, 2006

hey thats great! a boyfriend school and everything!!