i tried to catch up a little

But I totally have to work on cleaning my room tonight.  Yeah.

It’s nice to FINALLY be back home!  I can’t believe everything (plants and animals both!) are still alive.  I guess the roommate took care of them well enough.

I miss Virginia.  I can’t wait to go back.

Pony is feeling a LITTLE bit better.  He was so sick though that tuesday he TRIED to have sex with me, but didn’t have the energy.  Last night he didn’t even bother trying.  I’m so not used to him when he doesn’t smell like beer and cigarettes.  He hasn’t smoked in 3 days, I really hope he takes the initiative to quit.  He mentioned the posibility earlier.  *fingers crossed*

So, he was telling me earlier, when I asked what level I had to live up to in bed, that it said a lot that I got a phone call the next day because most people don’t even get that.  He was all, "I don’t do the relationship thing anymore" I pointed out he not only called me the next day but for days afterwards, and has spoken to me nearly every day for like a month.  Aparently I’m special.  But I asked why he doesn’t do relationships and his answer was "Because I fuck things up"  my answer was "Yeah, I noticed."  haha, I’m nice huh?  But really, he doesn’t communicate terribly well, he never calls when he says he will, and he forgets half the convos we have (If he’s been drinking or its like after 9, he doesn’t remember our convo.)

I spant ALL weekend hearing "Why do you like this Pony guy and not Bryan?" etc etc, then yesterday Bryan texts me saying his coworker wants to meet me, but then proceeds to complain that he only gets cuddling while Pony gets laid LOL… last I checked Bryan isn’t looking for sex.  So, he has no right to complain. 

In any case that’s the long and the short of it for now i suppose.


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